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Comments on Obama and Trayvon, cont. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Comments on Obama and Trayvon, cont.

July 22, 2013


A READER from Croatia writes:

I am your faithful reader for two years now, but this is the first time that I’m writing to you. Excuse my grammar. I haven’t written a letter in English for some time. I’m from Europe — Croatia to be exact. I study law but in my spare time have many interests one of which is frequent visits to your blog. Please receive my admiration for your activity.

I think Alexander Solzhenitsyn said in his Harvard address that nothing is forbidden in the West, but there is a fine mechanism which separates fashionable ideas from the ones which are not fashionable. From that time, this mechanism has gotten a little uglier.

Coming from a non-PC country, I was surprised at many things I have discovered about the situation in America but we are quickly learning because liberals which forced upon you this PC madness are financing the same organizations in my country. But I suppose as a former Communist country we are immune to some of this propaganda.

I wrote to you primarily because of Trayvon Martin case. Our media like most European media simply transmit the one-sided liberal propaganda from your media but the readers are a lot more skeptical. Even in our MSM, comments are largly positive for George Zimmerman and people write about anti-white discrimination and racism towards whites.

We lived for 45 years in not just “diversity is our strength” but in “brotherhood and unity.” And on year 46, we had butchery because diversity is so great. So we are a lot more reserved and suspicious about liberal propaganda.

I was surprised when I learned about the extent of black violence but even more so about the reaction of common people.

I noticed that you Americans don’t use statistics so much in debate and comments but you concentrate on your personal view. But to get the bigger picture we most use facts.

After researching the FBI numbers for “Suicide of a Superpower,” Patrick Buchanan concluded: “An analysis of ‘single offender victimization figures from the FBI for 2007 finds blacks committed 433,934 crimes against whites, eight times the 55,685 whites committed against blacks. Interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white – with 14,000 assaults on white women by African Americans in 2007. Not one case of a white sexual assault on a black female was found in the FBI study.”

Though blacks are outnumbered 5-to-1 in the population by whites, they commit eight times as many crimes against whites as the reverse. By those 2007 numbers, a black male was 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse.”

Or the Chicago Police Department reports from 2003 to 2011 which provide a statistical breakdown of the demographics of both the victims and offenders in the 4,265 murders in Chicago over that time period. See this.

While blacks are 33 percent of population, they commit 75 percent of the murders and whites who comprise 32 percent of population were offenders in just 4 percent of the killings.

While equal in numbers in the population, blacks commit almost 1900 percent more killings than whites. If this is not something important to notice I don’t know what is.

Or the FBI crime report which states that 53.1 percent of the murder offenders were black.

In 2006 the Department of Justice issued a report on violent felons in large urban counties. It covered the period from 1990 to 2002, and included the 75 most populous counties in the United States. The study accounted for over half of all the murders in the United States in the covered period.

Revealed in the study was a simple breakdown of the demographics of the murderers that is not commonly available. Murderers were divided into three groups. Blacks were the most numerous at 46 percent. Hispanics were next at 27 percent. Non-Hispanic whites were last at 23 percent.

While the study does not account for all murders in the period studied, it accounts for more than half and almost certainly slightly understates the percentages of black murderers, because the latest FBI statistics (for 2010) show that when all the murders in the U.S are taken into account, the percentage of black murderers is over 53 percent. See this.

Blacks who are five times less numerous than whites commit more than twice the number of murders.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics showed that in 2007 an estimated 10.6 percent of London’s population of 7,556,900 were black.

In June 2010 The Sunday Telegraph, through a Freedom of Information Act request, obtained statistics on accusations of crime broken down by race from the Metropolitan Police Service.[n 2] The figures showed that the majority of males who were accused of violent and sexual crimes (including those subsequently acquitted) in 2009-10 were black. Of the recorded 18,091 such accusations against males, 54 percent accused of street crimes were black; for robbery, 59 percent; for gun crimes, 67 percent.

Or the 2011 summer riots in English cities Ministry of Justice figures showed that 46 per cent of defendants were black, 42 per cent white.

In Britain, which is 92.1 percent white and two percent black. There are 46 times more whites than blacks but more blacks are arrested for rioting. I think some would say that Enoch Powell was right. If we were a normal civilization, the majority would say the obvious truth.

Or look at the situation with the Beta Jews in Israel. Those are Ethiopians, Black Jews who were transported in Israel during the 1990s by the Israeli Army.

“Calling the murder of Ethiopian women by their husbands an epidemic that must be stopped immediately, the chairman of the Knesset Committee for Aliya, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs said Wednesday society must not wait idly for the “next shocking murder” to take place.

MK Danny Danon (Likud), who was speaking at special hearing following the murder- suicide last week’s of Lawaka and Yeshi Amara in Rishon Lezion, received data from the Knesset’s Research and Information Department showing that 30 percent of such domestic crimes occur within the Ethiopian immigrant community.”

Less than two per cent of population represents 30 per cent of spousal murders.

Why are there problems with blacks in America, Britain, Israel and also in Brazil? Are all these nations racist towards blacks or is it the problem in blacks? Why would all these countries be racist towards blacks? I would suppose that if the racism is the problem that Brazilians would hate Japanese more, English Poles or Chinese. Why would everybody choose blacks as their favorite racist object? I suppose truth isn’t politically correct and that human nature is racist.

I meant to write an apology that my letter is short for the first time but now I see it’s not so short after all. I was inspired by what I perceive as a great injustice towards white Americans who are victims of black violence at the rate I cannot truly comprehend. I know the statistic but to live with it is different experience.

But you are our tribe across the Pond and perhaps this can give you a little encouragement and consolation against this injustice you suffer from our liberal opponents.

 Laura writes:

Thank you for writing and for the interesting links and figures.

One thing to bear in mind regarding statistics on black-on-white crime in the U.S. is that because whites greatly outnumber blacks, blacks are more likely to have white victims. I realize this does not by any means account for the great disparities in interracial crime that you cite, but it does explain some of the difference. I understand that you have taken this into account by citing the Chicago figures.

Most liberals, looking at these numbers, would still say that the experience of past injustice, particularly slavery, are major factors in black crime.

Jay from Goshen writes:

Obama never misses an opportunity to weigh in on a race matter, but I wonder if there wasn’t a two-fer aspect to his atrocious comments on Trayvon: the bankruptcy of Detroit. No surprise, but still a terrible shock, whether it happens or not (the bankruptcy is being held up by, what else, litigation).

I know this is old hat already in enlightened circles (those of us who can see clearly) but this article by Mark Steyn at National Review is an example of Hack Conservatism, Inc. in all its slick boredom.  I have my criticism of Progressive politics but that’s not the reason Detroit fell. Black dysfunction is the reason.

 Jeff W. writes:

In Detroit people are afraid to go to church on Sunday morning because thieves will rob their homes while they are gone.

“Come home and find that their windows have been pried open,” said a resident. “You don’t know who’s going to attack you next.”

“Your hands are tied basically as a citizen. You really are at the mercy of the criminals.”

This article gives a glimpse of the breakdown of civilization. If things keep going as they are, many more people will feel the terror that comes from being at the mercy of criminals.

In response to this situation, Obama attacks white people. It reminds me of a comment about the Zimmerman trial: A Hispanic who kills a black is acquitted by a jury of six women, and it’s all the white man’s fault.

— End of Initial Entry —

Jay writes:

The reason people are afraid to go to church in Detroit is because of progressive politics. Mark Steyn and NR say so, it must be true.

Sorry for the lousy stab at humor, I just read this:

Unz’s interpretations of the data are not the reason I send this to you. That is grounds for rational debate.

I send it to you because Unz pulled data and correlated black population with crime. I was shocked, and I thought that on this subject I was unshockable.

I am a pessimist but at some point these truths cannot be covered up. The USSR lasted 70 years and it fell. The USSA will fall too, with your and my help.

Alex writes:

A blogger shares her personal stories on how blacks have been emboldened to harass and terrorize whites openly and brazenly by the Trayvon affair and Obama’s speech. This is just from one white woman in New York City.

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