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Corn Salad « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Corn Salad

July 19, 2013



MY OLDER SISTER, Clare, is an extremely talented cook. This has been true for a long, long time. Many years ago, when I was 12 or so, she made the batter for a Lady Baltimore layer cake in my bedroom late at night. The cake was for a boyfriend’s birthday and she hid the baking bowls under my bed. I never tasted it, but it looked delicious. Then there was the time years later when she created a stunning red pepper tart. She placed it on the front seat of the car in transit to some important event. When she braked suddenly it flew off the seat and somehow landed on her braking foot. As she had to accelerate, the tart was smashed underfoot.

But this sort of mishap never deters her. Clare owns a restaurant today and she continues her brilliant cooking adventures. One of the best recipes she has ever given me is for corn salad, which I have made many times in the summer. It requires cutting fresh corn from six to eight ears and then boiling or steaming it until it is just done. Then add lots of chopped fresh basil, cut-up fresh tomatoes, scallions, chopped onions (preferably sweet) and salt and pepper. Make a dressing by slowly adding in a steady stream ½ cup olive or vegetable oil (I prefer corn oil) to ¼ cup cider vinegar mixed with two teaspoons Dijon mustard, one tablespoon lemon juice and salt and pepper. Mix it all together and refrigerate.

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