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French Interior Minister Observes Ramadan Feast « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

French Interior Minister Observes Ramadan Feast

July 22, 2013


Manuel Valls, Boubakeur

MANUEL VALLS, the French Minister of the Interior, is pictured here observing the end of the Ramadan fast at the Grand Mosque of Paris last week. A day later, French police were busy subduing riots of Muslims in Trappe in the Versailles region. The riots began after police attempted to fine a woman for wearing a full burqa.

— Comments —-

Casey T. writes:

This story reminds me of when I was in Paris during the end of June. While nearing a subway, I spied (not with difficulty) three women fully clothed in black burqas. Truthfully, the sight was horrifying, even frightening, not simply because it represented Islam but because of the profound way it alters woman’s appearance. You once wrote that Islam does, in fact, subjugate women. Even us anti-feminists acknowledge this. There is not an uplifting of human dignity but a stark denial of it.

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