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Homosexual Couple Adopted Boy and Molested Him from Infancy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Homosexual Couple Adopted Boy and Molested Him from Infancy

July 3, 2013




IN 2010, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation ran a glowing article, “Two Dads Are Better than One,” about two homosexual men living in Australia who had adopted a baby boy from Russia. The blogger Wintery Knight has the full text of the article, which has allegedly been pulled from the Internet. The piece is similar to countless others about the wonders of homosexual “parenthood” and the deep desire to become “fathers.” The article begins:

A shiny child’s bike lies on its side on the front lawn of an immaculate garden.

Around the back gay dads Pete and Mark chase their son’s pet chickens around, trying to catch them.

Drake, 5, exclaims that the little birds are too fast for him.

It’s a happy, relaxed family scene. But it wasn’t an easy road to get there. After many hurdles Drake was born by surrogacy in Russia.

One of the men, the American Mark J. Newton, was sentenced last week in Indiana to 40 years in prison for molesting the child since two weeks after he was born. The couple are believed to have traveled the world, sharing the boy with other pedophiles. Their stash of video material documenting the abuse ultimately led to their arrests. The other man, Peter Truong, who plead guilty, awaits sentencing.

According to the Sidney Morning Herald:

Police believe the pair had adopted the boy ‘‘for the sole purpose of exploitation.’’ The abuse began just days after his birth and over six years the couple travelled the world, offering him up for sex with at least eight men, recording the abuse and uploading the footage to an international syndicate known as the Boy Lovers Network.

— Comments —

Will G. writes:

Perhaps they were born with boy-loving proclivities – who are we to judge?

Laura writes:

Why should they be deprived of the right to love a child in their own way?

 Guilain writes:

What those two perverts have done is monstrous. I hope they will rot in jail for a long time. From the picture that you’ve posted, we see that their revolt against nature took the form of homosexuality, but also of interracial sexual relationship. Moreover, the name Peter is not natural either for an Asian.

When I saw your entry, I immediately thought of two homosexuals I spent holidays with last year. They were “champions of the abnormal” (and for a good part it was not their fault).

The reason I spent holidays with two homosexuals was that one was the half-brother of a friend of mine. So first thing, his parents had divorced. Second, that one was over forty and his gay friend was not even twenty-five. Third, the younger one was black (the older was white). But it’s not finished, he was not actually black, he was a mulatto. I don’t know if he had been adopted. But I’m sure that his name was Peter.

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