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Murder of Egyptian Christians « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Murder of Egyptian Christians

July 12, 2013


IN THE DAYS SINCE the military arrested President Mohamed Morsi in Egypt, Christians have been attacked and threatened. From The New York Times:

A priest has been shot dead in the street, Islamists have painted black X’s on Christian shops to mark them for arson and mobs have attacked churches and besieged Christians in their homes. Four Christians were reported killed with knives and machetes in one village last week.

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In the village of Naga Hassan near Luxor, Muslim mobs invaded Christian homes and set them on fire. Security forces arrived to evacuate the women, but left the men, four of whom were subsequently stabbed and beaten to death…

— Comments —-

Daniel S. writes:

The revenge killing of Coptic Christians in Egypt is, sadly, nothing new. What needs to be outlined here is the backing that the American government provides to those forces which most actively and violently target Christians. In Egypt, as in Syria and Libya, the American government is backing and sponsoring the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist groups. The American government is clearly furious with the Egyptian military for ousting Morsi and detaining numerous Muslim Brotherhood leaders, to the point that it is being reported that the American ambassador has made veiled threats to the Egyptian military that they may face a Syrian-style civil war if Islamist political figures are not released from prison. The elites in America see support of radical Islam in Egypt, Syria, and Libya as a vehicle for their geopolitical domination in the Middle East, with that region’s ancient Christian communities being sacrificed to Muslim hatred in return for power and control of regional resources.

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