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Revolutionary Popes Will Be Canonized « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Revolutionary Popes Will Be Canonized

July 5, 2013


DANIEL S. writes:

Pope Francis has approved the Blessed John Paul II and John XXIII for sainthood, an act clearly meant to pay homage to Vatican II and its revolution inside the Church. The most astounding component of the story is the fact that John XXIII will be elevated to sainthood without any claim of a confirmed second miracle attributed to him. The Blessed John Paul II will have a second miracle due to his intercession confirmed by the Holy Father. On the other hand, the beatification of the Venerable Pius XII is needlessly dragged out due to the persistent, cynical grumbling of secular Jews who maliciously accuse Pius XII of being complicit in the Holocaust and the refusal of the Vatican to tell these petty, opportunistic bigots to mind their own business out of fear of being called anti-Semitic or not sufficiently ecumenical (after all, it is only the Catholic Church that is expected to forsake her doctrines and principles in the name of endless, pointless interfaith dialogue).

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