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Ridiculous West Point « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Ridiculous West Point

July 27, 2013





The summer edition of West Point Magazine demonstrates beyond cavil that “inclusiveness” and “diversity” are the hallmarks of the institution that gave us Generals Lee, Grant, MacArthur, Eisenhower and Patton. We learn that Nadja West, a 1982 graduate of West Point, has been promoted to a two-star general. General West is both female and black. Female cadets are omnipresent in the photos and stories that comprise the magazine.

The cover is a clear indication of what is perceived as the U.S. Army’s future. An aging white officer is pictured with his successor: a female, probably Hispanic or black. That emphasis on the “diversity” of future graduating classes at West Point can be seen throughout the magazine. What is evident from each of the articles is that the military academies, especially under this administration, have bought the feminist siren’s song of “inclusiveness” and “diversity” as much as other higher education institutions.

As to the wisdom and effectiveness of this policy, the words of Oliver Cromwell’s impassioned plea are appropriate here, except instead of Parliament, we need direct our criticism to the U.S. military establishment: I beseech you in the bowels of Christ, think it possible that you are mistaken.

— Comments —-

Don Vincenzo writes:

As if on cue from my recent comments about the USMA, James Taranto at the Wall Street Journal had a long column on the dismissal at West Point of a cadet, Raymond Cromartie, who was charged with sexual assault. Cleared by a military courts-martial of the charge, Cromartie was convicted of perjury, something that he brought on himself by truthfully attesting that he had been in error when first interrogated. This situation can only be described as “Orwellian.”

Cromartie was expelled from the Academy although neither a courts martial nor any evidence was provided to implicate him even marginally to the event.  It was simply and solely based on the testimony of the alleged female victim, whose testimony was refuted by other females.

Sexual assaults, now one – if not the – major problem within the military, have become so pervasive that the liberals and their supporters in congress are pushing and pressuring the military about its handling of this growing problem. The feminist advance in the military, first in putting women in places they should not be, and then demanding that rules of military law and tradition in cases of sexual assault be discarded, cannot but presage the further decline of military academies.

There is far too much “political correctness” displayed in the very sordid affair. Even Cromatie’s lawyer, in his appeal brief for  Cromartie’s reinstatement, wrote that the Academy’s expulsion “is tainted by both political pressure and favoritism toward the accuser.” The fact that the accuser’s father was a West Point classmate of the current Superintendent, Lt. Gen. David Huntoon, didn’t help Cromartie’s case either.

The saga of the decline at West Point continues, and where, and when it will end, no one knows.

Joe A. writes:

The American military is a captured operation. The good news is it will be much less effective in the oppression of the American people as seats are awarded to political protégées without regard to cognitive ability or moral fibre.

After all, what good is a reward (political patronage) if you’re not around to enjoy it (deadly nature of combat)? That is to say, no one will dare risk life and limb while living in a privileged condition, much as the Vietnam draft evasion taught us in an earlier era.

Cromwell is often demonized but his basic analysis was correct and it applies today as our Republic teeters on imperium bereft of mercy and compassion. In essence, his Commonwealth bought another 400 years for England although it too has succumbed to entropy. Would that we had a Cromwell to buy us even a fraction as much time. Instead, we must rely on our enemy’s self-indulgence and overconfidence to be their undoing.

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