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Saint Trayvon Lives On « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Saint Trayvon Lives On

July 15, 2013


Demonstrator with a pack of Skittles, New York

THE acquittal of George Zimmerman on Saturday was not a triumph for justice. That’s because Zimmerman never should have been charged in the first place, given his injuries and the eyewitness account, and the evidence presented in the trial made that clear. As it is, he has been condemned in the press and faces possible “hate crime” charges.

If Zimmerman had been killed by Trayvon Martin, his death would have merited a few articles in local newspapers. If Trayvon had been white, Zimmerman would likely not have been charged. It is very sad that a teenager died. Trayvon Martin certainly didn’t deserve to die and Zimmerman was reckless in pursuing him when the police were on the way. But it is even sadder that the thuggishness Trayvon emulated is so common and has so many victims. The case was “racially polarizing” precisely because of pervasive dishonesty about black criminality and a race hustling industry that has much to gain from keeping white America in a state of guilt and fear.

Adam Nagourney of The New York Times, tells us on the front page today,Lawmakers, members of the clergy and demonstrators who assembled in parks and squares on a hot July day described the verdict by the six-person jury as evidence of a persistent racism that afflicts the nation five years after it elected its first African-American president.” The racial zealots at the Department of Justice are pursuing hate crime charges against Zimmerman. See Selwyn Duke’s analysis of these charges at The American Thinker, where he writes:

We generally assume that blacks who may be biased against [Zimmerman] would at most rationalize and deny his case a fair hearing in that court between the ears; the idea is that they’d convince themselves Trayvon Martin was innocent and Zimmerman a cold-blooded hunter. But if we’re to take Holder at his word, a different and quite striking conclusion presents itself.

He couldn’t care less if Martin was guilty as sin.

It doesn’t matter if Zimmerman acted in legitimate self-defense.

Holder doesn’t have to rationalize because he doesn’t care if Martin was a “criminal.” Martin was black. And that means Holder has a common-cause bond with him.

—- Comments —-

Laura writes:

A reader sends this video of an anonymous black man who says blacks don’t understand the basics of the legal system or the mentality of someone who would act as a town watchman. He also emphatically makes the point that blacks are themselves always more suspicious of a black man in a hoodie loitering in a neighborhood at night. “We’re all guilty of [racial profiling],” he says.

Meanwhile, the mainstream press fans racial hatred by blacks by copiously quoting those who disagree with the verdict.

Diana writes:

I was confused about the treatment of Zimmerman in the press. He is not white, he is half white and half Hispanic. Is it simply because he appears white that he was pitted against Trayvon as the “white man” because that made a better news story?

Laura writes:

He’s white enough, especially with a name like George Zimmerman. If it had been Carlos Diaz, this would not have been a big story.

Alex writes:

Zimmerman is a gift to the Dems that’s not done giving yet. They mobilized the blacks to re-elect Obama by telling them there were still whites killing blacks on the streets. And they can still get some mileage out of him if they can drag this out close enough to November 2014 with the hate-crime investigation that they’ve re-opened.

The perfect scenario for them now would be to try him for racism before another white jury and lose, which would be quite likely as they have no case. No justice for a murdered black child in the hands of whites! This could win them full control of Congress yet, and that’s what they have in mind with this hate-crime investigation.

Jeanette writes:

Here is a photo of George’s great grandfather and that’s Zimmerman’s grandmother behind him, and his mother is in the man’s arms.


 Alex writes:

From the recent revelations of Trayvon’s porcine friend it appears that it was she who got him killed. She convinced him that he was being followed by a homosexual with dirty intentions, and Trayvon felt compelled to prove his manliness and ghetto cred – to her, to himself, or both – by jumping the creep and beating him up. Or killing, as that’s usually the end when someone’s head is pounded on the curb.

This is assuming she is not lying and the pair was indeed stupid enough to believe the man was a rapist. A tall, broad-shouldered black in a hoodie is not the type of potential easy rape victim a homosexual pedophile would normally seek out.

Laura writes:

It’s entirely possible they believed that. They were teenagers.

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