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Stix on the Zimmerman Trial « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Stix on the Zimmerman Trial

July 10, 2013


NICHOLAS STIX, at Vdare.com, has been following the political show trial of George Zimmerman. Here is his excellent summary from last week. Supporters of Trayvon Martin have vowed to turn violent if Zimmerman is acquitted. See Stix’s observations about the famously illiterate witness, Rachel Jeantel, who “committed perjury by telling lies on top of lies, lying about the lies, and insulting and trying to intimidate defense attorney Don West when he pursued her lies.”

—- Comments —

Thomas F. Bertonneau writes:

Under California law (I lived the first half of my life in California), issuing a death-threat against a specific person is, by itself, a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in state prison. Some years ago when I was plagued by invasive telephone calls late at night and complained to the police (I live in New York State), I was told that only if the caller threatened me or someone in my family with bodily harm or death would it become a crime: that is, in New York State it is a crime to make a death-threat against a specific person. I cannot believe that the law in Florida is different. Why then has every single party who has posted a statement publicly declaring an intention to kill George Zimmerman not been taken into custody by the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction and charged with a crime? There is a question for one of Bill O’Reilly’s ambush-interviews. I wonder whether we shall see it.

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