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The Coming Royal Child « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Coming Royal Child

July 22, 2013


KARL D. writes:

A British columnist for the Daily Mail named Liz Jones gives her opinion on why Kate Middleton, who is reportedly in labor the hospital today, should not have a child. In one short article, Jones reveals herself to be the anti-human leftist and feminist that she is.

— Comments —

Michael K. writes:

Liz Jones should be pitied. While she may certainly be an “anti-human leftist and feminist” as Karl D. indicates, I do not believe this is the true motivation behind her hostility. It is apparent that it comes instead from her deep loneliness and regret at her own choices. She is a deeply unhappy woman, as even a brief analysis of her past columns demonstrate.

Throughout her works, she has repeatedly expressed distaste towards child-rearing and children, typically justifying this attitude through feminism, choice, and the like. However, she allowed this mask to fall briefly in a column in which she recalled her desperation to get pregnant in her late 30’s and 40’s. She was so desperate that she admitted to having attempted to steal sperm from her then boyfriend. Here she is in her own words:

“I resolved to steal his sperm from him in the middle of the night. I thought it was my right, given that he was living with me and I had bought him many, many M&S ready meals. The ‘theft’ itself was alarmingly easy to carry out. One night, after sex, I took the used condom and, in the privacy of the bathroom, I did what I had to do.”

Her efforts were fruitless, and despite her desperation, she never had a child. The link is here.

I think that she simply wishes to influence as many others as she can to make the same choices she made and thereby share in her misery, and attempts to justify her feelings of envy through the more socially acceptable and less pathetic vehicles of feminism and environmentalism.

She is now living alone, and writes frequently about her cats.

Thank you for your wonderful site.

Laura writes:

Thank you for writing.

I will add Jones to my mental file of “Women Writers Who Destroy.” She is obviously a talented woman. She could use her writing ability to tackle the lies of feminism now that she has learned a few lessons. (Although she might not have a job anymore if she did.) She could help other women avoid the same mistakes. Instead, she spreads her bitterness. She does seem anti-human.

Laura adds:

Actually, after reading a little more, I take back what I said. I don’t think she is very talented. I don’t understand her success.

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