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The GOP: Party of Mama Grizzlies « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The GOP: Party of Mama Grizzlies

July 19, 2013


DAN R. writes:

Liz Cheney to the rescue of the Republican Party!

Despite declaring her support for “the family as the fundamental building block of society,” her father came out in favor of “gay marriage” several years ago upon the very public knowledge that her sister is lesbian. Lynn Cheney, her mother, wrote a novel from way back which even included a lesbian love scene or two. Any bets where she might tilt? In her announcement that she will run for the U.S. Senate in Wyoming, Liz Cheney pays tribute to her grandmother who became the first female sheriff in her Wyoming county. Cheney has five children, the youngest of whom isn’t even in school, and here she is, the very model of a major feminist politico. Who says feminism is the exclusive province of the Democrat Party?

She talks about “defending our nation” from the policies of Obama, but is silent on what is arguably the most significant Democratic policy proposal in many years (with support from our favorite Republicans): the Gang of Eight amnesty bill. Coming from a father who served in three Bush administrations, is there any chance she will oppose this? In contrast, her opponent, incumbent Senator Mike Enzi has a 95 percent rating from NumbersUSA and opposes the Rubio bill.

Cheney’s big advantage seems to be her name recognition, her visibility as a regular on FoxNews for a time (I can’t even recall Mike Enzi ever appearing on television), and her relative youth (she is 46, Enzi is 69). Somehow she is portraying herself as the fighter against the establishment. The Left, of course, takes her at her word.

Might the phrase “old wine in new bottles” apply?

Laura writes:

It has now become standard operating procedure for a mother who is announcing her decision to leave her family to run for office to say, as Cheney has, that she has discussed the decision over with her children. What a joke, as if they have any real say over the matter. I’m sure Cheney’s children are truly happy that their mother is going to be spending a good part of her time campaigning and may move to Washington.

— Comments —-

Dan R. adds:

I asked if there were “any bets” on Miss Cheney’s position on “gay marriage.” It turns out this isn’t rocket science. After some checking I discovered that Liz came out in favor of “gay marriage” in 2009.

Meanwhile, at The Corner (National Review) they’re mostly concerned about the effect her run could have on the Wyoming Republican Party. Issues such as “gay marriage” and immigration seem not to be a part of their political calculus.

Michael J. Jose writes:

Two things to consider:

First, Liz’s sister is a lesbian, and a “professional lesbian” at that (i.e. she made money as a consultant for the GOP on how to reach out to homosexuals) making her position on homosexual marriage totally unsurprising.

Second, Enzi voted against amnesty and against gun control on the very first votes (motion to proceed to debate). Only 31 Senators did that for gun control, and only 15 for amnesty. Do I really trust that neocon Dick Cheney’s daughter would be better than that?

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