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The Lynching of Paula, cont. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Lynching of Paula, cont.

July 2, 2013




MIKE BERMAN writes in this entry:

There is another reason, aside from Paula Deen’s groveling, why I cannot be sympathetic. She voted for Barack Hussein Obama. Twice. She endorsed Black Run America. She wanted that hope and change and she got it.

When I get asked if I’ve ever used the N-word, I reply, “Every day! I’m a big fan of rap music and I sing along.” I advise everyone to pick up some CDs and memorize some of this garbage. Think of it as insurance.

—- Comments —

Dan R. writes:

There are lots of liberals out there, and unless we want to continue our slide we’re going to have to win some of them over. Paula Deen seems to be one of those types who knows nothing about politics. I’m not going to give up on someone just because they voted for Barack Obama. If Irving Kristol’s observation about liberals “mugged by reality” has any validity, we have a chance at making some headway against the fanatical, anti-racist juggernaut expressed as, yes, Black-Run America. I’ve never been a fan of Paula Deen, but surely any race-realist ought to understand what’s happened here, which has little to do with sympathy. The revolution has just eaten one of its own, and further reveals its totalitarian nature. We cannot give them a pass.

Jay from Goshen writes:

I’m still sympathetic to Deen, Obama supporter or no. I’m not backin’ down! This woman just does not realize that the world has changed. That her world changed.

She comes from a tough background. Her little brother runs her empire – and he’s not competent to run an empire that grew from a Mom and Pop. He didn’t realize that once you grow big enough to be watched by Uncle Sam, you don’t run a company the old way. And Paula MUST stand by her little brother because she is like his mother. Their parents died young.

These are old family blood and kinship values up against the horrible modern world of impersonal laws and bureaucracy.

I must support Deen, however foolish her politics.

The only reason she is being crucified is because she told the truth in her deposition, that she had used the word ‘nigger’ once, to her husband, after being nearly killed by a black thug. (Is that nicer than ‘nigger’?) Presumably the only other witness was her husband (or ex-husband, not sure), and he would have snitched on her if she had lied? I don’t think so. Her blunt old-fashioned honesty has caused her downfall.

I support Paula Deen, even if I think her politics are junk, and her cooking is heart-attack inducing!

Laura writes:

Deen may have told the truth in her deposition but she hasn’t in some of her apologies. She said:

“I want to apologize to everybody for the wrong that I’ve done. I want to learn and grow from this. Inappropriate, hurtful language is totally, totally unacceptable.”

She must know that blacks call each other “niggers” often and no one censors them or accuses them of hurtful or inappropriate language. In what way has she hurt anyone? I don’t see the old-fashioned honesty you see here. Seems like run-of-the-mill public relations.

Jay writes:

I meant she was being honest in her deposition.

And she is probably being honest in her apologies. She’s a liberal. She doesn’t share your opinions. Or mine. She feels awful for having called the guy who pulled a gun on her a ‘nigger.’

I can sympathize with someone who doesn’t share my opinions.

Laura writes:

Mr. Berman was not denying her sympathy just because he doesn’t share her politics. His point was that she supports the whole liberal idea that blacks are infallible and thus by her own reckoning she has committed a grave wrong.

Let’s say Deen is being honest. Let’s say that even though she has probably heard blacks use the N-word countless times, she truly believes she has committed a serious wrong and has caused harm by using that word. Then she must understand that her corporate sponsors have a legitimate reason for distancing themselves from her and her association with the racist South. They loved her Southern persona, but now it is all too Southern and they have every reason to bail out.

Dan R. writes:

“Ike’s not a communist, he’s a golfer.”

So quipped Russell Kirk, in response to the John Birch Society’s charge that President Eisenhower was either a conscious agent or dupe of the international Communist conspiracy.

Paula Deen is not a liberal. She’s a chef. A celebrity. And politically, a nincompoop.

Terry Morris writes:

Why is Jay assuming Paula Deen was being truthful in her deposition? Does Jay really believe her when she says she’s only used the word “nigger” once in her entire life, and that under extremely adverse circumstances? Baloney!

It would have been more truthful of her to admit she’s used the word at least half a dozen times, and likely more truthful still had she admitted using the word two or three dozen times. And, yes, I am making assumptions too, but I believe my assumptions are more realistic in this case.

(For the record, I’ve used the word “nigger” many times in ordinary conversation with whites over the course of the years. I’m not particularly proud of that, but if someone asks me a direct question about whether I’ve ever used the term, I’m not going to be half-truthful with them and say, “Yes, but only once in describing a very stressful incident I was once involved in.”)

Diana writes:

How could Deen possibly have pleased these people?! What more does she have to do?

However, unless I am mistaken (and that’s certainly possible), I do believe her brother Bubba is at least partly to blame for what’s gone on. Didn’t he admit to viewing pornography and making sexual comments and passes at the girls at work? No matter what I feel about women working, blacks, or anything else, no one should have to deal with that at work (or anywhere), if that is in fact true.

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