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What Do Trayvon and Paula Deen Have in Common? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

What Do Trayvon and Paula Deen Have in Common?

July 17, 2013


THEY both used the N-word.

But Paula is a sinner and Trayvon is a saint.

—- Comments —

Anonymous writes:

The N-word with an “a” on the end is considered extremely different from the original spelling among blacks. “Nigga” is used somewhat like “dude” or “guy” or “buddy” is for many whites. It seems like it is a silly distinction, and it is, obviously. But it is different to the people using it; there is a distinct meaning to each one.

I don’t think Paula Deen did anything wrong at all. I think she is being maligned and abused by the media for no good reason whatsoever. Regardless of what one thinks about her word usage or Trayvon’s, however, they have something else in common: They both used words that they grew up around, and acted in ways that reflected how they grew up. Trayvon was taught that every white man (even half-Peruvian, 1/8 black men who only appear white, that the media will make into a white man forevermore to prove a point) was a homosexual rapist, and that he had, in his ghetto black mentality, to defend his “manhood.” Paula Deen repeated harmless things she heard growing up. Both of these stories are examples of a media circus gone absolutely haywire. There are so many more compelling and significant stories to tell, and the media attention about these two tells much more about the media’s angles and biases than it does about either this random boy or this very nice but misguided woman.

Laura writes:

Even blacks use “nigga” in a somewhat derogatory way, though it is heavily ironic. When a black person says, “Where you goin,’ nigga?,” it’s usually an affectionate, friendly put-down, but it can also be a minor slight, depending on the context.

I agree about the media circus, but if those tweets are accurate, Trayvon did more than pick up slang phrases.

Buck writes:

Rachel Jeantel splains “nigga” to Piers Morgan:

TM would “just brag, it’s not true,” what he say. Weed? Twice a week. But, “we don’t do make him go crazy, it just make him go hungry.” He “real normal.”

The Thinking Housewife readers are “old school people.” We need “new school,” Trayvon Martin’s generation in order to understand this.

“Creepy ass cracker” does not mean a white person. “There’s no ‘E-R.’ It’s ‘A’ at the end.” “That’s a person who act like they are police. Trayvon said creepy ass cracka.”

“Where we live, where everybody live, blondes are dumb. They say dumb things.”

And finally, the “N” word: “People — the whole world say it’s a racist word. Mind you — mind you, around 2000, that was not. They changed it around, I think. It started spelling it n-i-g-g-a. Nigga. That means a male, any kind of male. Any kind — Chinese could say nigga. That’s my Chino nigga. They could say that. Yes, but nigger — I advise you not to be by black people, because they’re not going to have it like that. Because that’s the racist word. They’re two different words.

“And they have just different meanings in — in your community?”

“No, in a generation…not young people. Old people use that, too.”

John writes:

Here is a video that explains the whole story about the difference between the two variants of “the N-word.”

Anonymous writes:

I have to admit that when I first wrote, I had not yet had the time to read the rest of the VFR post you linked (with the tweets). As I read, I was disgusted by his comments, as he obviously has zero respect for women in particular. I would think that the “feminists” would hate him more than anyone, no? Yet they support him, for the most part. This baffles me. I am offended, yet the feminists rally around him. It proves that what is usually deemed “feminist” is not in the best interest of women, but of politics.

Unfortunately, however, it doesn’t change the gist of my comment. Very sadly, this was Trayvon’s culture. What he said was likely not at all out of the ordinary, but expected of him by his peers and the adults around him. That doesn’t excuse it, of course, but it is a depressing thought. I don’t know what else to feel about that but very, very sad.

Anonymous adds:

Even more depressing is how the rest of America often emulates this culture. I know of many white people, especially teens, who call each other “nigga.” My family and I were in a rural, mom-and-pop restaurant the other day where there were many young men. Country boys used to dress like country boys. Now many (I’d say most) of them dress like thugs. I am very young as well, but I especially do not envy the girls who will be teenagers soon and will be looking for husbands in a few years. Of course, they are very busy defending people like Trayvon, so they would probably be happy to marry or date someone like him.

 Bjorn writes:

Paula is a sinner, Trayon is a saint, and Zimmerman is forever …. “a murderer.”

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