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Anti-Suffragette Humor « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Anti-Suffragette Humor

August 5, 2013


YAHOO posted this humorous series of vintage anti-suffragette cartoons today, but not without giving us a dose of bitter medicine. Therese O’Neill of This Week informs us:

One of the most notable things about the arguments put forth by the anti-suffragette movement was how weak its position was. Anti-suffragette arguments relied heavily on emotional manipulation and downright hateful nastiness. Humor was a much-used weapon against suffragettes. They were easy to depict as embittered old maids, brutal scolds, and cigar-smoking transvestites.

Ms. O’Neill forgets to tell us what those arguments were. But then you get the idea with these cartoons. Anti-suffragettes, who included many women, believed that political power was de-feminizing and that women can wield plenty of power without the vote.

Embittered old maids, brutal scolds and transvestites aren’t all that funny anymore, are they? They’re all too real.

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