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Australian Blames Murder on Guns « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Australian Blames Murder on Guns

August 20, 2013


Christopher Lane

Christopher Lane

ALEX writes:

Predictably, the various prominent whites can’t allow themselves – and us – to connect the dots in the murder of Christopher Lane. According to the Herald Sun, it’s the NRA’s fault:

[F]ormer deputy prime minister Tim Fischer has urged Australian tourists to boycott the US in the wake of the shooting murder of the Melbourne baseball star.

Mr Fischer said he was deeply angered by the latest tragedy and said turning our backs on America would help send a stern message about the need for tighter gun control.

Christopher Lane, 22, was randomly gunned down while jogging through the town of Duncan in Oklahoma on Friday afternoon local time.

Mr Fischer, who led Australia’s gun control reforms alongside former prime minister John Howard in 1996, said choosing not to travel to the US would help build pressure on the US Congress to finally act.

“Tourists thinking of going to the USA should think twice,” Mr Fischer said. “This is the bitter harvest and legacy of the policies of the NRA that even blocked background checks for people buying guns at gunshows. People should take this into account before going to the United States. I am deeply angry about this because of the callous attitude of the three teenagers (but) it’s a sign of the proliferation of guns on the ground in the USA.

“There is a gun for almost every American.” [emphasis added]

Note his choice of words for this atrocity: “callous attitude.”

The victim’s father: the murder was “senseless” (same article).

“[Police] Chief Ford said yesterday the attack was not racially motivated. It was just three clowns who got together and decided to kill,” he said.” (Same article.)

The first thing that article says is that the suspects’ parents say they didn’t do it. It then repeats this two more times – in the middle of the text and closer to the end.

The media tell us “Lane’s death a tragedy with no rhyme or reason” (link whithin the same article). At the link we read: “Half a world away from the madness of America’s gun culture, a Melbourne family sat in a living room yesterday completely torn apart by it. Try as they might, Christopher Lane’s father Peter, mother Donna and his three sisters could not even begin to understand how the young man they loved had become a random target for violent thugs.”

Father again: “It’s pointless to try and understand it. It’s happened. It’s wrong and we just try and deal with it the best we can.”

From another article: “The three boys, in a black Ford Focus near the house, randomly spotted Lane.”

Random drive-by shooting.” “Senseless murder.” Nothing to see here. Move along.

— Comments —

Peter F. writes:

The comments of Australian deputy prime minister Tom Fischer on the shooting of Christopher Lane illustrate with remarkable clarity what libertarian author/philosopher Ayn Rand called the “great inversion” under which up becomes down, right becomes wrong and truth becomes a lie and a lie the truth. Nowhere is this moral inversion greater than within the political class of the west, as Fischer himself illustrates.

The deputy prime minister said he was “deeply angered by the latest tragedy and said turning our backs on America would help send a stern message about the need for tighter gun control.” Fischer  – who is a statist – claims to be angry about the crime, but his statements ring hollow and amount to so much political theater – since he supports gun control and refuses to discuss the crime in terms that actually reflect reality and not some politically-correct version of it. The hunch here is that Fischer actually cares very little for his fellow Australians or for the man whose life was lost; his statements were made only because they offered an opportunity to grandstand on behalf of the status quo and to attack traditional, pro-firearms culture. Had the unfortunate victim, Christopher Lane, been an American citizen and thereby possibly armed, he might have had a chance to survive the encounter. As the incident actually unfolded, the hapless Mr. Lane stood little chance; he was out-numbered, unarmed and probably unaware of the danger until it was too late. As many readers know, the Australian government currently denies its citizens the right to keep and bear arms.

It is telling that Fischer’s description of the crime is devoid of any references whatsoever to the race of the victim and the perpetrators, or the possibility that race played any part in the incident. The standard leftist verbal whitewash is employed to mask the real nature of the crime, i.e., words such as “senseless,” “at random,” and so forth. If the truth – and an innocent man’s life – must be sacrificed on the alter of political-correctness and in the name of the status quo, then so be it. That is a bargain American and Australian politicians alike seem willing to make. They have become what H.G. Wells called “Eloi,” a race of timid, soft and corrupt beings too weak and enfeebled to defend themselves or their culture from the predators around them.

Laura writes:

According to Paul Bleakley, a columnist with the Australian Times, the three who allegedly killed Lane were the same kind of gun fanatics as the American Revolutionaries.

Aug. 21, 2013

Bill R. writes:

The MSM’s racial elephant in the room is still alive and well: Let’s talk about every aspect of the case but the one that’s the most relevant, and don’t forget to emphasize it’s just another “random” crime by “teens.” Do we even need to mention how quickly characterizations like “random” and “teens” would vanish if this was a black kid and the perps had been white? (Yes we do need to mention it and we should always mention it; such a truth is at least as worthy of repeating as the MSM’s lies which they never tire of repeating.) Alex quotes the article he links to saying, “Half a world away from the madness of America’s gun culture…” I have a suggestion; how about “half a worth away from the multiracial madness of America’s culture…”

What makes these cases even worse is that the white families of the victims seem, for all their horror and anguish and loss, impenetrable to any contemplation of the racial significance that lies at the bottom of their suffering. The father in this case doesn’t even want to try to understand it. That is very sad. I wonder if he is aware that he has already declared his son’s death meaningless? I also can’t help wondering if, when we hear white people say such things, it’s because somewhere within them they’ve already been whispered to by an inkling of understanding and have recoiled from it in fear. But that, of course, raises the next question, which is why are they so afraid of it? In any event, the willful ignorance of whites obviously remains as alive and well as the MSM’s elephant in the room. One can hope, I suppose, that perhaps many people are keeping some of their real feelings to themselves, but if so they’re concealing them very well.

At least Fox News showed pictures of the “teens.”

Jerome writes:

I be thinking. Reporters be saying blacks randomly attackin everyone. Dats racist. They make blacks out to be inclined to randomly attack crackers n stuff. We need to push back. How can we start a movement to get the media to stop calling blacks “random” attackers?  cuz dat raciss. I don’t know what they gonna call it if they can’t call it random, buy dats they problem, not mines.

Alex writes:

If the relatives of the white victim of a random murder by blacks publicly questioned the random nature of the murder, the black murderers would instantly become the victims – victims of white racism.

I wonder if in many such cases the relatives, or their lawyers who advise their public statements, don’t realize this. They surely must know by now that it’s no use demanding a hate-crime investigation, so why even mention race? This very case will convince anyone who still doesn’t realize it: the killer’s racist Web messages don’t matter, his bragging of having beaten up five whites for Trayvon doesn’t matter, says the police chief; there will be no hate-crime charges.

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