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Elderly Man Beaten to Death in Washington State « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Elderly Man Beaten to Death in Washington State

August 22, 2013



DELBERT BELTON, an 88-year-old World War II veteran, was jumped and savagely beaten outside a Spokane skating rink Wednesday night when he was on his way to play pool at an Eagles Lodge. He died from his injuries this morning, according to KXLY news. Two black teenagers were seen on surveillance cameras and are being sought in connection with the incident. So it appears to have been just another “random” crime in America. Like Christopher Lane, who was shot in the back when he was running, Belton was utterly defenseless and probably had never seen his attackers before.

— Comments —

Nick writes:

Saw this last night when it first hit The Blaze and finally decided that I’m for the death penalty … though, as I suspect you’ll agree, I think that chain gangs and public flogging will be more effective over the long term. If these little monsters had taken a good beating in front of their homeboys the first time they thought to tag up a bus shelter, I suspect the old man would still be alive.

This is why I admire China.

Alex writes:

A similar murder five years ago: 15-year-olds identified only as “teens” beat to death and robbed a white man. But don’t worry, justice triumphed:

“Two teens were sentenced to a maximum of 72 weeks in juvenile detention, and a third received a maximum of 36 weeks. The state Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration will determine exactly how long each will serve in detention depending on his behavior.

The teens also will receive credit for the time they’ve already spent in detention, according to Juvenile Court Judge LeRoy McCullough. That means the maximum time they’ll serve starting now will be just under a year for two teens, and three months for the third teen.

The teens who received the longer sentences also pleaded guilty to charges of second-degree robbery for attacking two North Seattle teens just before assaulting McMichael, 53, a Seattle fixture known for playing his tuba outside sporting events.”

As is the custom, the victim’s brother said he was “completely satisfied” with the sentences and that the teens’ problem was low self-esteem.

By the way, this is Judge LeRoy McCullough:


Dan R. writes:

A chilling picture painted by reader Alex. I often find myself in the position of attempting to explain to friends the degree and nature of black violence against whites.  Invariably they simply haven’t read about it and are very much unaware.  If I make any dent at all, I hear the response that it’s merely a subset of feral black youths. Alex’s post suggests it’s much more than that.

For awhile I’ve wondered: many conservatives have fallen prey to the “great black hope” complex, expressed in the persons of Herman Cain, Condoleeza Rice, Allen West, Benjamin Carson, and in earlier years, Colin Powell and Alan Keyes, yet where are any of the aforementioned when it comes to speaking out against these atrocities?  Those same conservatives who berate Jesse Jackson for his tepid Tweet about the Oklahoma incident, and cry incessantly about the double-standard when it comes to “hate crimes” (why not just eliminate the category of “hate crime” altogether?), seem not to notice that their black hopes say no more than do Jesse and company. Allen West, in fact, was firmly in Trayvon’s camp at the very beginning, much like some other conservatives, though by the end the bunch had changed their minds.  The feral black youths commit the actions, but they seem to have the quiet acquiescence–or support, in the case of the judge–of a silent black majority.

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