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Football Player’s Career in Jeopardy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Football Player’s Career in Jeopardy

August 2, 2013



Associated Press

THE negative consequences continue to unfold for Eagles wide receiver Riley Cooper, who did something so heinous he has been fined by the NFL, been widely condemned for an act of singular atrocity and has decided to leave the game for awhile. What did Cooper do? He used the N-word.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Cooper announced today that he is going to leave the team for now and enter counseling:

“The last few days have been incredibly difficult for me,” Cooper said. “My actions were inexcusable. The more I think about what I did, the more disgusted I get. I keep trying to figure out how I could have said something so repulsive, and what I can do to make things better.

The truth is there is nothing he can do. He is a permanent social outcast. He might as well find an island somewhere where he can live out his remaining days in seclusion. Cooper also said:

“Right now, I think it’s important for me to take some time to reflect on this situation. The organization and my teammates have been extremely supportive, but I also realize that there are people who will have a tough time forgiving me for what I’ve done. The best thing for me, and for the team, is to step away for a period of time.”

Cooper said he plans to speak with “a variety of professionals to help me better understand how I could have done something that was so offensive, and how I can start the healing process for everyone. As long as it takes, and whatever I have to do, I’m going to try to make this right.”

Cooper was videotaped at a concert, where he apparently was in an argument with a security guard and said that he was going to “fight every n— here.”

Jeffrey Lurie, the owner of the Eagles, stated this week, “We are shocked and appalled by Riley Cooper’s words. This sort of behavior or attitude from anyone has no role in a civil society.”

— Comments —

Paul writes:

The hardest thing to take in all this is not the orchestrated persecution, but the by now almost formalized, ritualistic statements of self-loathing and guilt which the targeted individual (in this case Riley Cooper) is required to make before his (professional) execution. The parallel with the speeches of the accused at show trials during Stalin’s Great Purges is just unmistakable.

I used to think that these ostracism rituals were just a kind of elaborate game in which no one really believed, but which had developed in a certain way for historical reasons. But now I’m not so sure. Conversations with acquaintances and even close friends have shown me that, increasingly, the lessons which liberalism enforces really have begun to ‘take.’ And so Riley Cooper really is believed to be about the lowest form of human being imaginable, on a par with, say, an S.S. guard at Auschwitz, or a serial killer, merely for having said what he said at that concert. It is simply no longer conceivable that he could have responded just by saying, “Yeah, well, uh, I guess I said a boneheaded thing, most of us do at one time or another, right? Sorry, anyways,” and have everyone let it go at that. And yet, well within the lifetimes of many now living, that’s how it would have been handled, and no one (of any race) would have been the worse for it.

Spencer Warren writes:

The hounding of this NFL player after he apologized for making a racial slur at an employee is yet another demonstration of the communistic tactics of the Ruling Radical Left: make an example to indoctrinate the masses in the rightness of their extremist ideology and suppress dissent.

Listening to an Atlanta Braves game tonight, I learned that a certain Delmon Young is now playing outfield for them. And I was reminded of the anti-Semitic slur he uttered several years ago when his team was in New York to play the Yankees. As I recall, this was about a two-day story and there was no talk of cutting him from the team, as there is with Cooper. Young is black, Cooper white. Likewise, Jessie “Hymietown” Jackson is black. As are those who have introduced “cracker” to the national debate, with little criticism.

And is not the now standard “sensitivity training,” which Cooper will undergo, offensive? A form of thought control?

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