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Hate, Not a Hate Crime « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Hate, Not a Hate Crime

August 23, 2013


PETER FINOCCHIARO of The Huffington Post wrote yesterday that conservative journalists were ridiculously attributing racial motives to the teen killers of Christopher Lane. That couldn’t be true because one of the boys, Michael Jones, the one who confessed, was white. Meanwhile, according to The Daily Mail, James Edwards, one of the accused, had posted on Twitter that he hated white people. His exact words: “90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM.” Since Edwards’s sentiments sum up a core conviction of many white people, he is unlikely to be charged with a hate crime. There is acceptable hate and there is unacceptable hate.

Here is an interesting photo of the lead detective in the case, John Byers.


— Comments —

Daniel S. writes:

The real hate is to be found in the picture of John Byers: a white, presumably heterosexual male with an American flag and a picture of Jesus Christ (Gasp! He’s a Catholic!). Doesn’t get any more hateful than that.

Laura writes:

It’s a picture from a different era — except for his casual red shirt.

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