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It Must Have Been a ♥ Crime « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

It Must Have Been a ♥ Crime

August 24, 2013


A memorial set up for Chris Lane at the spot where he was killed.


THE Orwellian hypocrisy of the term “hate crime” has never been more obvious than during the last two days, when Oklahoma officials have assured the public that the presumed murder of Australian Christopher Lane by three thugs, two of whom were blacks enamored of anti-white black gangsterism, was not a hate crime. The news was broadcast around the world today and it was remarkably uniform. According to The Guardian, to cite just one of many news sources:

Stephens County district attorney Jason Hicks said there was not enough evidence collected so far in the investigation to indicate Lane’s killing was motivated by race.

“At this point, the evidence does not support the theory that Christopher Lane was targeted based upon his race or nationality,” Hicks said in a statement.

This is not true.

If a person tells his friends, as did James Edwards, that he hates a certain category of people and then goes out with his friends to kill a person from that category with no provocation, there is enough evidence to consider it a hate crime. If this is not potentially a hate crime, then no crime is. Of course, there should be no such thing as the “hate crime.” All crimes are acts of hatred. But the term adds prosecutorial leverage to crimes committed by white, heterosexual men, and that is its only purpose, which makes it useless when it comes to Christopher Lane.

The public laps these assurances up. The disturbing desire for justice must be wrong. There will be no justice. There will be a prolonged trial, followed by years in a recreational center for the convicted, followed by more murder.


— Comments —

Buck writes:

It’s being said that one of the killers is white. I can find nothing to verify the claim.

Does the admittedly light-skinned Michael Dewayne Jones really look white?

Dan R. writes:

Buck asks: “Does the admittedly light-skinned Michael DeWayne Jones really look white?”

The PC drones at MSNBC would react defensively with mockery and outrage at the very question, but it is their only rationale that prevents this case from being an open and shut example of black-on-white violence.  If Jones is white, after all, how can we assume this is anything more than three bored youths gone bad?

From the photo I strongly suspect he has some black ancestry, though even if not it seems highly probable that he is one of those whites who are enamored of and ape black behavior.  In any event, he did not do the shooting.  He drove the car.

In this age of the internet, surely this information will come out soon.

Terry Morris writes:

At this point I really just want one nagging question answered: what in the hell were these thugs doing “staying” in that particular neighborhood? Clearly it is not the kind of neighborhood such degenerates would normally be in. There is a reason they were there that day, but someone, it seems, doesn’t want that information getting out. I get the gnawing impression that someone (police and other officials) is trying to protect someone’s reputation in concealing this information. Perhaps the daughter of some well-respected public figure in the community, or something like that? We simply don’t know because that information – where these thugs were allegedly “staying,” and why they were “staying” there – is apparently hush-hush.

There is no question to my mind that race was a motivating factor in this murder. Even The Guardian story itself, after falsely stating in its headline that race wasn’t a factor according to what it states police “believe,” quotes the lead prosecutor in the case as stating that race was not a “primary factor.” Which indicates to me that the prosecutor himself believes race WAS a motive, albeit, according to his statement which probably ought to be taken with a grain of salt, not the “primary” motive. He (the lead prosecutor) also absurdly pointed to Jones’s whiteness and Luna’s alleged half-whiteness (you wouldn’t know it by his photos) as somekind of evidence supporting his claim that the murder was not (primarily) racially motivated, which is plainly stupid on its face, and the reason I say his statements concerning the race motive ought to be taken with a grain of salt.

Laura writes:

One report somewhere in the news said that one of the three lived in that neighborhood.

Luna’s mother was shown in photos of the court proceeding. She is white. The whiteness of Jones and the mixed parentage of Luna does not rule out a racial motive. They obviously all were enamored of violent black gangsterism.

 Alex writes:

If George Zimmerman was white enough, so is this one.

One of the blacker ones is named Luna and is lighter-skinned and clearly more racially mixed than the other. If this case continues to be in the news and bad people continue to wonder whether race was not involved, we may soon learn from the press that he is actually a Hispanic.

Deborah Acuff writes:

The recent atrocious shooting of Christopher Lane recalls an older crime. Some 14 years ago a white man, Benjamin Smith, shot an unarmed black man, Ricky Byrdsong, when Mr. Byrdsong was out for a neighborhood jog. Mr. Byrdsong’s murder was part of a spree over an approximate two-day period in which Mr. Smith targeted and killed people of minority groups. By his public behavior prior to his crimes and certainly by his actions in July of 1999, Mr. Smith left no doubt to where his hatreds lay. Thus the characterization of his actions as hate crimes.

Why is the hatred and violence emanating from the black shooters of Mr. Lane and their grotesque culture not considered in the same context as Benjamin Smith’s murderous thoughts?

My belief is numbers; our society has the greatest reluctance to acknowledge that there are significant numbers of these vicious types that are black, while an individual like Smith represents a microscopic slice of American whites.

Laura writes:

As you say, the context in which the murder occurred provides enough evidence of a “hate crime.”

Our society cannot acknowledge that blacks are moral agents capable of bad and good.

Alissa writes:

Michael Jones looks like an Albino. Despite the fact that he may possess some white blood (which gives him a lighter skin tone), he looks quite black in his facial characteristics (eyes, lips, shape of skull, nose). It’s a combination of:

– Lack of intense non-African paternal ancestry. Black Feminists rage about white men raping (or sexually harassing?) African-American women during slavery, but it’s false because on average black Americans are 80% black and they have the darker skin tones and Negroid faces/bodies to prove this.

– Miscegenation between blacks and mulattos. There was no segregation in the USA between them and they had no mixed-raced identity. This didn’t happen in South Africa, East Africa, and South America for example. The skin color and “fine features” of the body and the face were more preserved.

 – Skin color classifications and facial/body characteristics. He may be “fair” in skin color and while on average the lighter and fairer one is, the more delicate, the more Caucasoid and the finer the facial and body features, Michael Jones is an exception. He looks like an Albino.

Here are some pictures of East Africans who are mixed (East Africans as a whole are already a mixed people thanks to Arab blood through the paternal line). This is another article. Look at the following pictures of women I found. This one, this one and that one. Now, maybe those women can pass for white.

Alex writes:

The Daily Mail in this article provides plenty of photos of Luna’s white mother. The “white” Jones’s parents, who also were at the court where the Luna mother was photographed, are not pictured. I wonder why.

Buck writes:

Terry Morris’ asked: “what in the hell were these thugs doing ‘staying’ in that particular neighborhood?”

It’s not an expensive neighborhood, though it looks clean and well maintained. This Zillow link shows decent homes that are very inexpensive.

Here is a partial answer. There seems to be significant ties between multiple crimes, weapons and criminals.

Duncan Police Capt. Jay Evans said:

Police were familiar with each of the teens accused in the drive-by shooting and those with whom they associated, including four people charged in the convenience store robberies and one also tied to burglaries in Kansas and the pawn shop burglary.”

“These are not people that we did not know,” Evans said. He declined to elaborate “other than we are familiar with them (and) not in a good way. We are quite familiar with all of them.” The gun believed to have been used in the convenience store robberies was found when a search warrant was executed at a house on Country Club Road that helped lead to the arrest of three young men and a 17-year-old. They are in the Stephens County Jail on robbery charges.

That house on Country Club is the same one the teens were in when they saw Lane go jogging by and followed him in a car, with one teen allegedly shooting him in the back. Evans declined to say if that house had been searched in connection with the Aug. 16 shooting.

The Duncan Banner has the full series of their stories published from the beginning, which add some detail and chronology. Go to http://duncanbanner.com/  and enter “Christopher Lane” into the search box.

There is a seven minute audio of the 911 call from Joyce Smith who happened upon Christopher Lane as he staggered along the road and fell. She did not see the shooting, and being alone and fearful, she stayed in her car. Others arrived and approached Chris Lane as she stayed on the phone. She repeatedly voiced her distress at not hearing sirens approaching. At the end of the seven minute call, the ambulance arrives just as she is told by the others that “he has stopped breathing”. She asks if she can hang up. “Yes”.

I speculate that it was probably a mortal wound from which he couldn’t have been saved. His murderer, at the drawing of Chris Lane’s final breath, is perhaps looking casually at his cell phone clock, noticing that he due in court in less than an hour to deal with some routine, boring legal troubles.

A reader writes:

 James Edward danced and laughed while being booked.

Mr. Morris writes:

Thanks to Buck for addressing my question. I actually grew up in small town, rural Oklahoma less than an hour’s drive from Duncan. I even worked there as a welder for about a year when I was fresh out of H.S. Sooner Trailers is the name of the outfit I worked for. My girlfriend at the time lived near Duncan, hence the reason for my taking the welding job there. My recollection, before Buck corrected me, was that Country Club Road is a very well-to-do area on the outskirts of Duncan proper. But a lot can change in (almost) thirty years, and my memory is probably wrong in any event.

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