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New Zealand Couple Apologizes to Lesbians « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

New Zealand Couple Apologizes to Lesbians

August 1, 2013


New Zealand couple who refused to allow two lesbians to sleep in a double bed at their bed and breakfast, as previously discussed here, has formally apologized to the women as part of the settlement of a complaint against them before the New Zealand Human Rights Commission.

— Comments —

Buck writes:

The Ruskin’s are running a for-profit business, and not just out of their home or ancillary to their home, the business is their home. “We welcome you to share our family home during your stay with us.” Most modern local governments have strict rules and regulations, fire and safety codes, inspections and license requirements in order to charge for accommodations or services. The Ruskins are operating in a peculiar gray area. Surely some legislator is working on this.

In spite of the pro-forma written apology, they seem to be standing their ground for now. Online reservations have been moved off-line. They posted this:

*We are in the process of redesigning this website to ensure the nature of our accommodation, which is in our own home, is clearly understood. Bookings made on-line may need to be clarified and confirmed by us before it can be assumed they are accepted. Phone 09 459 1099 or email pilgrimplanet@xtra.co.nz

They’re in a bind and they know it. I imagine that they tasked a lawyer to figure this out. The apology won’t work a second time and they can’t discriminate during bookings. It’ll be interesting to see where this goes, though, I’m pretty sure I know. This obscure little tourist spot is not going to alter the course of the modern liberal Western world.

Laura writes:

I admire the Ruskins for their courage. They are in a very tight spot.

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