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One Man’s Struggle with Homosexuality « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

One Man’s Struggle with Homosexuality

August 2, 2013


MARIO BERGNER analyzes in this video posted at Heteroseparatist.com the psychological forces that led him to feel sexual desire for men and turn to the homosexual life as a young man. He says the overwhelming cause was his weak attachment to his father.

— Comments —

Lydia Sherman writes:

Years ago, maybe decades, I watched a documentary about great men who were fatherless. There were interviews with entrepreneurs and statesmen such as J.C. Penny and Ronald Reagan, who stated that the lack of a father in their lives made them have to be the caretakers of their families and they knew people were dependent upon them.

This lack has also created determination in men today, as expressed in this blogThis is not the documentary I watched so long ago, but has many of the elements expressed in it.

I suspect that because homosexuality is promoted and accepted today, that makes it easier to take that way out of a bad situation. Think of all the children left without fathers after World War II who grew up without resorting to such weakness.

Mrs. Sherman continues:

Mario Bergner claimed that a lack of a father caused him to be sexually attracted to men. I am not well acquainted with psychology, which I assume is used in this reasoning. My question is, how does lack of a father cause a boy to be sexually attracted to men? It does not make sense to me, because if it were logical, it seems that a lack of a father would mean a child would look longingly upon men as fathers, not as sexual partners.

Or, logically, a boy with a normal father-son relationship whose father is removed through death or some other reason, would develop father-son relationships with other men.

I realize some research has been done which draws the conclusion that weak or absent fathers contribute to homosexuality, but I wonder how much research has been done that shows the grieved fathers who were present and active in their sons’ lives whose sons chose the homosexual life.

Laura writes:

I believe the psychological reason why weak attachment with a father may contribute to homosexuality — and I agree with you that this alone cannot explain homosexual behavior — is that a boy desires closeness with a man and does not develop a strong masculine identity.

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