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Oprah and the Swiss Bag « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Oprah and the Swiss Bag

August 14, 2013



THE owner of a Swiss boutique has refused to be intimidated by Oprah Winfrey’s accusation that she experienced a racial insult in her store. According to The Daily MailTrudie Goertz said,

I don’t know why she talked of racism. I am sorry, but perhaps she is being a little over-sensitive here. Maybe she was somewhat offended because she was not immediately recognized in the store.

This was an excellent response after the store owner’s initial apology. Oprah complained publicly that a clerk at the Zurich boutique suggested she might not be able to afford a $38,000 purple crocodile handbag. This proved that “racism is still an issue.” (No one, except animal rights advocates, appears to have criticized Oprah for her interest in such an expensive and garish purse.) Oprah subsequently apologized for making it an issue. But the clerk is in seclusion in fear of “public hatred.”

— Comments —

Donald J. Aiveoli writes:

Here is a link to an article at the Last Refuge regarding Oprah claiming racist treatment while shopping in a Swiss boutique. This has happened before prior to her promoting one of her racist movies. She is using racism in order to advance her financial empire. If she is so concerned about being mistreated due to her skin color why go to Switzerland? Why not the Congo to buy bags where $38,000 would support a family for a couple of decades? I guess she wouldn’t find any whites there against whom to bear false witness.

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