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Sanity and Love « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Sanity and Love

August 11, 2013


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ROBIN writes:

I concur with your recommendation to the young woman, Lucy, who is looking for a husband that she consider the prospect of being a paid nanny. Yes, I recommend this, even in light of my interesting experiences as such! Having been raised by a feminist, it was extremely difficult for me to break rank with feminists and feminist ideals. I chose to do this late in life (mid thirties) after a wasted youth and a failed first marriage. Having no idea where to begin, I considered myself a sort of pioneer woman, and sought the face of God and His direction above all. Only after my escape from the wickedness did I come upon your website (a divine intervention, no doubt) and I then began the radical unplugging from The Matrix that has sustained my marriage now and built our family thus far.

Your advice to the young Ph.D. who is looking for a husband is also excellent.  A woman who has been entrenched in feminist culture must allow God to completely transform her – from the mind outward – the spirit will follow and the manifestation will eventually be visible in the flesh and blood of the woman!  Today, miraculously, I find myself married to a saint of a man – the father to our four children – who would literally give his life for ours in the blink of an eye.  He is strong and capable.  These men exist.  They do have flaws, as they are human, and we are flawed women, too.  However, if the reader is diligent in following the sage advice given here by wise people who have walked this path before her, she will succeed.  Even if she does not succeed in “finding” a husband, she will have found herself. For years I felt as though something was horribly wrong with me for desiring to be a wife and a mother above all else. Now I am content and peaceful most of the time.

In May, my husband and I received the blessing of our third child together (our other children are older and out of the house – there are six total). He was born with Down syndrome, something we did not know in advance. There are many challenges now and ahead of us. However, because we are one flesh, united, guided not by this world but by a Higher Authority in Christ, we will succeed. I am confident of that. Our son and our daughters will succeed. We have both narrowly escaped the pit of feminist culture – and how grateful we are.

Your reader must rejoice in that – if nothing else.  She has escaped.  She is free.  Now she must exercise the freedom and build upon it, rejecting everything that opposes it at all costs.

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