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Snowden in Russia « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Snowden in Russia

August 2, 2013



I’m not sure quite where I stand with respect to Edward Snowden’s disclosures of NSA surveillance.  I think a state must have the ability to classify and secure sensitive information and keep tabs on known and suspected threats (not surprising, for a military officer), but the U.S. government has run amok in its universal surveillance, intrusion, and harassment of U.S. citizens and non-hostile foreigners.  The U.S. government’s over-reaching and meddling is unconstitutional – thus illegal – and morally wrong.  And the discomfort these revelations are causing the Obama regime, while not nearly enough, is enjoyable to observe.  The hypocrisies of a government that invokes national security to spy on its citizens while being grossly negligent in failing to police the entry and exit of foreign nationals are disgusting.  In the United States administrations of both parties are guilty.  But the Obama administration appears considerably to exceed its predecessors in its sheer intrusiveness, on the one hand, and its deliberate negligence, on the other.

Notwithstanding all that, however, by one ever-reliable barometer the Russian government must be doing something right: anything that enrages John McCain can’t be all wrong!

The Republicans have needed their collective head examined about Russia for quite a while now.  The United States should be striving to make an ally of post-Soviet Russia, not least against resurgent Islam and Communist China – not gratuitously irritating the Russians at every opportunity (e.g.: the CIA/Soros-funded “Color Revolutions” in Russia’s near-abroad to install libertine governments; trying to emplace missile systems in Poland…).  But that would require at least one major political party that puts the American interest first.  And America doesn’t have one right now.

— Comments —

Pete Madsen writes:

Whether Snowden is a hero or a goat – and the jury is still out on that, I think – one thing that is certain is that now that he has applied for and accepted asylum in Russia, the rest of his probably short life will be lived at the pleasure of Vladimir Putin, and that he will end up in Siberia or prematurely dead.

Bill R. writes:

Henry McCullough writes: “The hypocrisies of a government that invokes national security to spy on its citizens while being grossly negligent in failing to police the entry and exit of foreign nationals are disgusting.”

It’s what Samuel Francis called “anarcho-tyranny.” Tie the leash ever tighter on orderly, law-abiding whites, but ignore the rabble and any manner of their street thuggery and terrorism as long as they’re non-whites or Third World immigrants.

I fear we can expect only more of this. The Kafkaesque specter, for example, that Jared Taylor notes, of a white man being incapable of successfully defending himself in a court of law should he ever need to use deadly force against a black man and have the misfortune of being caught with traces of Vdare or AmRen on his computer (or I daresay even The Thinking Housewife) is just the beginning.


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