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Swiss May Delete God from Anthem « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Swiss May Delete God from Anthem

August 13, 2013


ALAN M. writes:

In reading this about the Swiss national anthem, I was struck by the following quote:

“Officially the anthem is a psalm, a prayer, but of course we have an open society, religiously neutral. We have atheists, no single god, so this anthem is a difficulty.”

I realized two things when reading this:

1. There is no “religiously neutral” stance. There is theistic and there is atheistic. Somehow, atheism has assumed the mantel of being “religiously neutral.”

2. It is more important to appease atheists than Christians, who apparently wouldn’t find removing God from their anthem “a difficulty.”

Interestingly, a two thirds majority of Swiss claim to go to Church so in this country where canton (state) level referenda are the rule, this is happening outside of their normal democratic processes. The minority imposing atheism is “neutral.” A majority retaining Christianity is “a difficulty,” emotional and non-inclusive.

— Comments —

Jewel A. writes:

Neutered. I think the man means neutered when he says neutral. Who lives and travels in neutral?

Others are far more evangelistic in their zeal, if by evangelizing you mean torturing the ears with nerve-shattering prayers.

From Switzerland, a glimpse of the near future.

And look at their offensive anthem.

Switzerland has skated through some very brutal, ideological wars. I don’t think it will be able to remain in neutral for very much longer.

Dave P. writes:

This is just a thin end of the wedge to remove Christian symbols in Christendom, prior to the de-Christianization of Europe.  If this succeeds, then the Swiss flag will also have to modified. So too will the rest of European flags which have a cross as part of the flag.

In the U.K., there already have been calls for the complete change of the Union Jack. The anthem is also too Christian, but there is a difficulty here, as the monarch is duty and oath bound to defend Christianity. Thus the calls to disestablish the church, followed by a republic. Then a new anthem and flag become inevitable. This is Frankfurt school strategy – one thin slice by one.

In the West it is noticeable that liberals/leftists have made it such that every conceivable sexual perversion is allowed and even encouraged,  but not freedom of expression and speech. Freedom of expression is now hampered by PC and “hate speech” laws.

Leftists are the usual totalitarian communists, who now deceptively call themselves leftists or socialists. The goal remains the same – the atomization of society, and then the enslavement of humanity.

Solzhenitsyn was absolutely right about the West.

“But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened”.

This essay  is a must read.

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