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The Pope Urges Respect for Islam « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Pope Urges Respect for Islam

August 29, 2013





I know not whether the next gaffe of Pope Francis will be liturgical or ecclesiastical, but what I do know is that the Holy Father lives, with regard to the situation in the Middle East, in a delusional world. See this recent piece by the Society of St. Pius X about the Supreme Pontiff’s remarks urging Christians to respect the teachings, symbols and values of Islam. In this delusional state, the Pope is far-too-quiet about the fate of Middle Eastern Christians, especially as our valiant Commander-in-Chief verges on sending Cruise missiles into Syria.

Perhaps instead of having the parishes hear a sermon on why amnesty for illegal aliens is virtuous, the Vatican should lay out the whys and wherefores of what is happening in Syria, including the commentary of the Mother Superior of the convent of Homs, Syria. It was she – Mother Marie de la Croix – who actually spoke at the Vatican a year or so ago, but received little attention. Why wasn’t she afforded the opportunity to tell her story worldwide?

The victory of the “Syrian Rebel Army” will be the death knell of Christians in that ancient land and the Pontiff and the Mother Superior and the Vatican bureaucrats know this; yet, this Pontiff sees fit to laud the religious belief that brings men to destroy the Church.

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