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The Right to Toplessness « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Right to Toplessness

August 6, 2013




REBECCA ANN CLARK has filed a complaint with the Quebec Human Rights Commission because she was asked by a lifeguard to wear a shirt on a Montreal beach after she was seen strolling down the beach half-undressed, according to the CBC. She says if men are not required to wear tops, women shouldn’t have to wear them either.

She’s got a point. There is no working principle by which the Human Rights Commission can deny her claim. To differentiate between the sexes, except in cases where criminal charges are filed against men or jobs are granted to women, is to discriminate. That’s bad. Therefore, female nudity is good.

One would like to ask Miss Clark if she truly wants the world to view her chest as the same as a man’s and whether she has noticed that female toplessness is a hallmark of less advanced cultures (see image below). But it is probably pointless to intrude upon this highly intelligent woman’s revolutionary high. Miss Clark, assuming this report is correct, is merely practicing her religion. Filing a complaint with the Quebec Human Rights Commission is a sacrament that confers extraordinary grace. If it takes outright nudity to achieve this state of sanctification and keep the forces of the Quebec Inquisition busy, so be it.


The liberated women of the Solomon Islands:



— Comments —

James P. writes:

“She says if men are not required to wear tops, women shouldn’t have to wear them either.”

That’s easy! Let’s require men to wear tops at the beach, too, as they did in bygone days. I’m all for it. My eyes are regularly seared by the vast expanses of flabby, tattooed male and female flesh at the local pool, and I would regard a requirement to cover it all up as a great improvement.


Forta Leza writes:

The irony is that if toplessness catches on, it will not be long until feminists start whining that (1) girls are being pressured by the patriarchy into exposing their breasts to please men; and (2) icky men are incessantly ogling them.

You see this kind of pattern a lot. If women are socially or legally pressured to dress modestly, the feminists complain. If that pressure is relaxed, then inevitably some girls and women will choose to dress like sluts and the feminists will complain about “objectification.”

Alex writes:

Ultimately, this is about sticking it to us men. We will be expected to see half-naked women around us and not look an inch below their eyes. They want to torture us by displaying their nudity while prohibiting us from looking. It would be the ultimate way to show their power over us.

Laura writes:

It is an expression of utter disregard for men.

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