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The Triumphant Return of Megyn (and the Injustice of Maternity Leave) « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Triumphant Return of Megyn (and the Injustice of Maternity Leave)

August 9, 2013


KARL D. writes:

Megyn Kelly, the glamorous FOX news blonde newscaster and feminist, is now rumored to replace Sean Hannity as co-host on his long running 9 p.m. time slot. While I am no fan of Sean Hannity, the man slogs it out five days a week (including a radio show) and to my knowledge does not get extended time off to be with his family. Kelly, however, is now out on maternity leave. Her third maternity leave in as many years! When I say maternity leave I am not talking about a few weeks, but several months. It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out. It seems feminism has been very, very good for Megyn Kelly. Her children and Hannity? Not so much.

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