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“The White Man Is the New Nigger” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“The White Man Is the New Nigger”

August 12, 2013


HERE is a book you are not likely ever to find at your local Barnes and Noble or public library. It’s called The White Book: A Manifesto for the European Diaspora. Just as The Gulag Archipelago wasn’t on news stands in the Soviet Union, this book won’t be openly discussed. It essentially doesn’t exist. It’s a book about a forbidden subject, an evil subject, a dirty subject, a subject so disgusting you could lose your job and friends if people knew you had read it. It’s about white people, and it affirms the right of white people to exist as whites. The author, Robert S. Oculus III, does not dare use his real name.

Here is the preface. Read at your own peril:

This is a book of love: love of one’s own, not hatred of the other. It is intended to bring hope, not to fuel a sense of hopelessness. It is meant to bring people together, not to drive them apart.

This is not a book of ideology. It offers no utopian program as a solution to the problems of the world. It does not invite the reader to join any organization, march on any picket line, sign any petition, lobby for any legislation, or vote for any party, any platform, or any candidate for political office.

The aim of this book is simply this: to help people to see the truth — not ideological truth, not political truth, but the simple truth of everyday life. Its purpose is to help people peer through the veil of unreality which has been imposed upon them, and to admit that what they experience in the real world every day of the week is true.

This is a book of love, for it is only through love that we will all be saved. It is my hope that this little white book will serve to make this truth plain, and to point it out to those who can See.

Now that you have read this bit of hate literature, you should feel ashamed. You are a racial heretic. So you might as well go on. Here is a selection from the first chapter, posted here with the permission of the author:

The War on White People


You may not know it, but you are a soldier in a war: the War on White People.

But don’t take my word for it. The proof can be found in the pages of the news every day.

The War on White People begins with negation. For the past fifty years white people have been told that they do not exist — that is, that white people as such do not exist. We have been taught that race is a social construct, and that there are no “white people”. (Until a scapegoat is needed, of course. Then we magically exist again.)

The war is being fought with condemnation. Whites have been relentlessly propagandized to believe that they have no right to exist. All the best brains agree that White people (whom, as you will recall, do not exist) are by nature a race of oppressors, a people characterized by genocide and the brutal enslavement of Africans and others. Although we are told that it is wrong to lump together all black people, all Asian people, or all Latino people, the Lords of Diversity have no problem lumping together all white people. We are all haters in their eyes, either knowingly (“racist”) or unknowingly (“white privilege”). We are told that white people are a cancer on the earth, and that the earth will be better off without us.

Which brings us to the ultimate goal of the war: our dehumanization. We have been carefully taught that White people have no right to exist as white people. Whiteness, we are told, is repugnant and immoral. For more than fifty years the public has been hammered by propaganda ridiculing white people, white culture, and white identity. Like the black stereotypes of days gone by — the handkerchief-headed Mammy, the shuffling Stepin Fechit — Whites are now stereotyped in every medium. Recognize any of these stock TV/movie characters?

• The effete, socially-inept loser

• The sphincter-clenching stiff who can’t dance

• The dead-eyed, power-crazed businessman

• The inbred, illiterate peckerwood

• The beer-swilling, upper-class twit

The Redneck. The Uptight White. The Backslapping Bigot. The Hillbilly. The Nerd. And on and on. These stereotypes are known to all.

We white people have been dehumanized. We are now cartoons — caricature buffoons, fit only to be laughed at, exploited, and then thrown away.

The anti-White gospel has been pounded into our brains by schoolteachers, ministers, and political figures for five decades. White people have been the targets of a information war the likes of which Stalin or Mao Zedong could only dream.

And we are losing this war. Most white people today (you, for example) reflexively deny their very existence as white people. Most white people today (you, for example) sincerely believe that there is no such thing as the white race. Most white people today hate themselves and react to any positive mention of white identity with a smirk or a call to the civil rights authorities.

For in our world today any suggestion that blacks and whites are not 100% equal in every way, any recognition of the fact that the U.S.A. has pretty much gone to hell since the “liberation” of black people, any criticism of or lack of sensitivity toward a black person or group of black people will result in the use of the Ultimate Weapon against you: a three-word phrase that blacks and their non-black allies use when they want to destroy someone. There is no defense against the Ultimate Weapon. There is no way to counter these three words. No White person can resist the awful power of this three-word Ultimate Weapon. The three words are:


“Raciss”. Ebonics for “racist”. Being called this is the end of the world for the average white person in America today. Most whites will do anything, go to any length, to avoid being thought of as a “raciss”.

And what is a “raciss”? In the War on White People, “raciss”  = “anything a white person says or does that a given black person or a defender of black people doesn’t like”.

And, fella, it is everywhere.

In fact, you yourself are almost certainly a raciss! Let’s say you’re a businessman with some hiring to do. Would you hire a more-qualified white guy instead of a less qualified black guy? If so, then guess what? You a raciss.

Or let’s say you’re a fan of classical music. Do you dislike rap music? If so, you a raciss.

In fact, there’s almost noting a white person can say or do that isn’t raciss. Have a picture of Jesus with white skin in your house? You a raciss. Root for the team with the White quarterback? You a raciss. Live in a white neighborhood? You a raciss. Live in a black neighborhood? You a raciss. Make a black person feel uncomfortable? You a raciss. Talk radio listener? You a raciss. Country music fan? You a raciss. Korean? You a raciss. High score on a test? You a raciss. White cop? You a raciss. Cowboy hat? You a raciss. Wear khaki pants? You a raciss. Refuse to build a store in the ghetto? You a raciss. Build a store in the ghetto? You a raciss. Use the word “ghetto” in a conversation? You a raciss. Out-jump a black man on the basketball court? You a raciss. Good swimmer? You a raciss. Good score on a test? You a raciss. Baseball fan? You a raciss. Against public transportation? You a raciss. Ride on public transportation? You a raciss. Flee the ghetto for the suburbs? You a raciss. Move back to the ghetto from the suburbs? You a raciss. Accuse a black athlete of murdering two people after finding their blood on him? You a raciss. Condemn a black athlete for running a dogfighting ring? You a raciss. Shoot a black kid in the guts as he’s doing his best to beat your brains out against a concrete curb? You a raciss.

White folks, in case you haven’t figured it out yet: no matter what you do, think, say, or believe, if you are white, you a raciss. If you want a picture of the future, imagine an angry voice , screaming “That’s racist!” in your face — forever.

It is by means of such racist witch-hunting that white people have been “put in their place”. Like blacks under apartheid or Jim Crow, we are harassed, hunted, held back, and held accountable for various crimes on account of our race. Under Crow Jim, we are raped, robbed, and killed in the streets of our own cities. Our labor and enterprise are ruthlessly exploited for the benefit of those who control us. Like a plantation field hand, any white person who dares resist, who dasses to lift his hand against the new massa in self-defense, will be censured, ostracized, and denounced before the public as a racist and a hater by his fellow whites.

This campaign of anti-white hatred is beyond politics. This is the deliberate and systematic destruction of a people, a culture, an identity — white people, white culture, white identity.

This is genocide.

Thanks to Dr. King’s Dream, the world has been turned upside down. The white man is the New Nigger. You are the New Nigger — a subhuman, fit only to be ridiculed, scapegoated, exploited, hated, and exterminated.

And exterminated we will be, unless we fight.

— Comments —

Karl D. writes:

I have suggested something elsewhere that I would like to put forward again. It’s a small tool in the arsenal of fighting back against the ever popular accusation of “Racist”. Blacks as we know, love to use the word “nigger” with each other, a word as we know which may not be used by anyone except a black person. The logic being that since “nigger” historically was/is a derogatory word used by whites against blacks, by using it and taking possession of the word, they have de-fanged it (as it were) and use it now as an identifier. It’s almost akin to a private club secret handshake.

Like the author of this book puts forward, I also posit that the word “racist” is the white man’s “nigger,” only much more destructive. As such, I think it would be quite interesting if whites (if they are comfortable with it) start using the word ‘racist’ with each other as an identifier in public; using the same logic put forth by blacks ownership of the word nigger, it makes perfect sense. I have done this several times with friends in public and the reactions are priceless. The looks range from utter confusion, to giggles and even open inquiry. One woman asked me why I would greet someone with “That word”? When I explained the logic behind it she actually smiled and thought it was a great idea. Like I said, it may not be for everyone, but it is something to think about.

 Laura writes:

The problem is, “nigger” really doesn’t mean anything pejorative, though it has taken on negative associations because it was sometimes used as an insult. “Racist” is a genuinely negative term. Sage McLaughlin made a good point in this previous post when he said that embracing the word “racist” can make people callous. If you are not racist, you should not accept the term at all.

Karl replies:

Perhaps I misspoke. When I talk about the logic behind the embrace of the word “nigger”, I am speaking from the black point of view, not my own. When I speak of “owning” the word “racist” however, it is from an absurdist point of view. In the eyes of most blacks, non-whites and liberal whites as well, it doesn’t matter if you are a racist or not. We (whites) are racist for simply drawing breath. Racial original sin if you will. I hope that makes more sense then my previous comment.

 Laura writes:

I understand the absurdity of it all and I realize you didn’t mean we should embrace the meaning of the word. But still there’s something unsettling about essentially saying, “Okay, you’ve called me a racist so many times, I am one!” I think the better thing to do is to be prepared to be called a racist and simply not be affected by it.

Perfesser Plum writes:

My take on Karl’s suggestion is that blacks get to call whites YT, Cracka, Privileged, Oppressor, etc., but whites cannot call them names without being considered raciss.

Likewise, gays can call heterosexuals “breeders,” and themselves, ‘queers,” but we cannot call them names without being considered homophobic.

The proper move, as I see it, is to greet each others as “Hey Whitey!,”  “What’s up, breeder?”  “Howdy, ancestor of Europeans who built the modern world.” “How you doing, IQ of 120 plus?”  “Have a nice day, capitalist.” “What’s for lunch, heterosexual?”  “I’ll see you later.  I’m going to go out and oppress some minorities.”

Likewise, “How ya doing, member of a grievance group?”  “What’s up, minority person?”   “Nice day.  I’m heterosexual. You’re not, right?”

“That’s (raciss, homophobic, offensive).”

“Nay, by brother, sister, undecided, or replumbed.  I am merely acknowledging—-indeed, celebrating—diversity by noting our differences.  Remember, there’s strength in diversity.”

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