Understanding Islam
August 19, 2013
IN his most recent article, Bill Warner of the Center for Political Islam wrote that many converts to Islam are attracted to the way of life, but know little about Islamic beliefs. He wrote:
Everybody knows someone who has tried to read the Koran and never finished it. Islam seems like a tropical jungle, deep and complex. But that is not true, since Islam is both Allah and Mohammed.
Allah may be hard to understand, but anybody can understand Mohammed. The reason is simple. We have his official biography (called the Sira) and it is a fascinating, ripping read. After Mohammed is born he soon becomes an orphan. He married and became a successful businessman, then a prophet of Allah. He preached Islam for 13 years and converted 150 Muslims. Next he became a politician and jihadist for his last 10 years. When he died every Arab in Arabia was a Muslim. The Sira has religion, plots, spies, war, torture, secret agents, slavery, sex, jealousy and more. It is one of the world’s great stories.
Anyone, and I mean anyone, can understand the story of a man’s life. Mohammed is the perfect Muslim. When you understand Mohammed, you can easily understand the Koran and you can understand Islam.
This is how easy it is to know Mohammed. The original Sira is 800 pages long and difficult to read. But the book has been made easy to understand in a very short book of only 66 pages, called The Life of Mohammed. Everything is keyed by a small index number at the beginning of the paragraphs that lets you go the official text and confirm it. It is fact-based and is as true as it can be and is a short powerful book.
I ran an experiment. I paid $20 to a smart 12 year-old child to read The Life of Mohammed. After she read it, I had her read the Gospel of Matthew. It is important to know that she had never been to church or read the Bible. I then asked if she had to have new neighbor would she want it to be Jesus or Mohammed? She said she wanted Jesus and then justified her answer by using the facts from Matthew and The Life of Mohammed. She used fact-based reasoning.
That is the way you inoculate against Islam. Full knowledge of Mohammed causes anyone of reasonable morals to avoid him and Islam. Once you know how much suffering Mohammed caused to every neighbor, you do not want to follow him. So, to prevent a case of conversion to Islam, prescribe a dose of Mohammed.
The news is even better since a dose of the Sira can cure a Muslim of Islam. It works like this – most Muslims know almost nothing about Islam. If you know the full story of Mohammed, you know Islam and can tell a Muslim things about Mohammed that will unsettle them. Upon the first administration of Mohammed to a Muslim, they will deny the truth of it. But you can offer to show it to them in the Sira, the Sunna of Mohammed. Repeated dosage can cure Islam.
To inoculate against Islam, use a dose of Mohammed. To cure Islam, do the same. Don’t forget, a dose of Mohammed is so interesting that you will want to take some as well.
We have been warned before.
Edmund Burke in his Further Reflections on the Revolution in France alludes to the Mohammedan threat to our way of life in his digression on “the principles of anarchy.”
Burke writes: “Mahomet hid, as for a time he was, in the bottom of the sands of Arabia, had his spirit and character been discovered, would have been an object of precaution to provident minds. What if he had erected his fanatic standard for the destruction of the Christian religion……in the midst of the then noon-day splendour of the then civilized world?”
It should be inferred from Burke’s remarks of course, that European cultures would have been permanently subjugated long ago had Muslim imperialism not been confronted eventually, and, we used to think, defeated at the gates of Vienna in 1683.
We can’t share Burke’s confidence in a Christian future.
Alex B. writes:
The goal of Islam’s mandate to conquer the world for Allah: the end of history.