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West Point’s Long Gray Line Turns to Mush « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

West Point’s Long Gray Line Turns to Mush

August 7, 2013




Again, the U.S. Military Academy at West Point does not disappoint: political correctness is very much alive and well at the institution.

In an appeal for financial support, the West Point Association of Graduates (WPAOG) sent a flyer to former graduates.
The focus, below, of the flyer tells you a lot about what West Point’s Association of Graduates believes will attract the largest cohort of donors: a black and female cadet. Further, if you look closely at the graduation ceremony photos, above, the center shows two female cadets taking the oath; the young man behind the two females is probably Hispanic.

After listing a plethora of “activities” that the WPAOG finances, including, “Six Social Media Opportunities,” precious little attention or funding seems directed at military matters, but, then, that may not be accidental.

In his Memorial Day address to the (all-male) cadets at West Point in 1962, Gen. Douglas MacArthur delivered one of the most moving addresses in any public forum that I have ever read; so much so that I still keep a copy nearby and re-read it on occasion. Two pull quotes are notable:

“Yours is the profession of arms, the will to win, the sure knowledge that in war there is no substitute for victory, for if you lose, the Nation will be destroyed…”

“The long gray line has never failed us. Were you to do so, a million ghosts in olive drab, in brown khaki, in blue and gray would rise from their white crosses, thundering those magic words: duty, honor, country.” (N.B.: MacArthur is including soldiers of the Confederacy, as well as specifically mentioning their Christian backgrounds in fighting for the country. No general or other military official would do so today.)

Had he been living today, how would MacArthur have responded to the request for financial assistance from the Association of Graduates? That’s a rhetorical question, for we all know the answer.


— Comments —

Buck writes:

I was just a few miles from West Point last week, when a theft required me to stop into a New York State Police barracks to make a report. I noticed the cover of their recruiting brochure and had to snap a photo with my phone. Are any of our modern institutions seeking to hire and staff with white men?

NY state trooper brochure

Joe A. writes:

Buck, it’s pretty clear to this straight, white, Christian male that we are the Enemy of the State.

Buck writes:

I get Joe’s meaning, but I would put it differently. I suggest that we are not the state’s enemies, because “enemy” requires active opposition, some capacity to fight. We’re either indentured servants or dhimmis. A case can be made for either.


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