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When the Times Has Nothing to Say « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

When the Times Has Nothing to Say

August 23, 2013


THE New York Times has published all of one paragraph on the Christopher Lane murder. I won’t bother to compare these few words with the reams of columns and news articles on the Trayvon Martin case because it’s all so obvious. This one paragraph was just enough to mention that the victim was in a “well-to-do” neighborhood while the accused came from the “gritty section of town.” Race was not mentioned at all.

Given the widespread coverage of the Lane murder elsewhere, I am surprised, however, that the Times has not run a piece stating that this case has prompted a “conversation” about race. Or perhaps a “conversation” about “gun control.” It is just about time for an article that amplifies the economic differences between the victim and the accused and makes sure everyone knows that one of the three was white. It’s time to explain to the world why the murderers were not to blame: the teens came from broken homes, they were poor, they did not have all the advantages of Christopher Lane and it was way too easy for them to acquire guns.

Someone is asleep at the switch. On the other hand, maybe this is wisdom. Sometimes the most effective propaganda is silence.

— Comments —

James P. writes:

The New York Times — when they talk, they’re lying, when they remain silent, they’re lying.

Jane S. writes:

“The choice was put to them whether they would like to be kings or king’s couriers. Like children, they all wanted to be couriers. So now there are a great many couriers, they post through the world, and, as there are no kings left, shout to each other their meaningless and obsolete messages. They would gladly put an end to their wretched lives, but they dare not because of their oath of service.”

Franz Kafka

Reflections on Sin, Suffering, Hope, and the True Way

Buck writes:

A forty-one second ABC News report says nothing about the race of the teenage killers in “a bizarre killing in Oklahoma”. A photo of Chris Lane is shown briefly. No photos of the shooters. The reporter says that investigators say that the teens killed a second random victim and then posted this on Facebook: “bang! two dropped in two hours!”

A second report, which is more than four minutes long, immediately follows the Oklahoma story. The white anchor: “A pair of white men were driving around the streets shooting black people.” He turns to a black reporter who continues: “A series of cold-blooded killings… Two white males charged with shootings… All the victims were black.” All of that is said within the first forty seconds of this report. The race of the shooters and victims is announced twice. Race is the reason for this report. They will squeeze it in one more time. The reporter says that “the African American community is stricken with fear”. A black police detective speaks on camera: “I know a hate crime when I see one.” The anchor then interviews the mayor of Tulsa and asks: “Since the shooters were white and the victims were black, can we conclude that this is a hate-crime? What do we know about these two men? Are they a part of a hate group?”

By the way, the first report is one day old. The second report, the one that immediately follows the one-day-old, 41 second TV report of the “bizarre” “random” killing of an Australian man by race-less “teenagers”, is nearly a year and a half old. It was first aired April 7, 2012.

Black-on-white crime is ignored, denied and quickly buried on a daily basis. White-on-black crime is permanent, indelible, unforgettable and timeless.

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