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White Guilt: The Gift that Keeps on Giving « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

White Guilt: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

August 23, 2013


SEVENTY-NINE percent of blacks interviewed in a recent Pew Research Center Survey said “a lot” more needs to be done to achieve racial equality in this country and 27 percent said little or no progress has been made toward racial equality since Martin Luther King made his “I have a Dream” speech. In other words, the vast infrastructure of mandatory preferences and privileges for blacks has not been anywhere near enough. This kind of survey is like asking children whether they think they have gotten enough ice cream, candy, and other treats from their parents. What child in his right mind is going to say yes?

— Comments —

James P. writes:

Actually, white guilt is the gift that keeps on taking… our lives, our women, our dignity, our money, our neighborhoods, our schools, our cities, our nation. As Lawrence Auster often said, liberalism is a Moloch that can never be satisfied.

A reader writes:

Liberalism is a tree of death, with many branches, such as abortion and abandonment of the most defenseless, and destruction of God’s order in every way possible.  It is never satisfied because the core of liberalism is the desire for man as god. And the root under that is the enemy who hates God and hates mankind; he wants all worship drawn away from God and ultimately for himself and he wants all power for himself. It is a spiritual battle.


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