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Why Are There No Famous Women Philosophers? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Why Are There No Famous Women Philosophers?

August 5, 2013


APPARENTLY, women have never excelled in the field of philosophy because of sexual harassment. See The New York Times’s report, which includes this disturbing bit of news:

In July, after the sociologist Kieran Healy published a study showing that women made up less than 4 percent of top citations in leading philosophy journals since 1992, the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy sent out an e-mail asking contributors to make sure that entries do not cite work by white men on a given topic while ignoring prior contributions by women and other underrepresented groups.

Such “citation blindness,” scholars say, may be less a result of overt discrimination than of implicit bias, a phenomenon that has generated a rich literature in psychology, but that philosophers are only beginning to study.

The dumbing down of philosophy is well underway.
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