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WWNH on Marriage « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

WWNH on Marriage

August 12, 2013


BILL CLARK DEAN, otherwise known as A. Guy Maligned, or simply Guy, at the website, What Women Never Hearhas a new selection of blog posts titled “Make Marriage Work. Guy writes:

Assessing the results in society (what we all do) and culture (why we all do it), I concluded this. For over five decades women have listened only to women about capturing and holding a man. As that unisex mindedness continues, the female identity dissolves in political acid, womanly relationship expertise crumbles, and girls and women unwittingly teach that sexual freedom is more important than being respected by boys and men whose love arises only from a foundation of respect. The availability of unmarried sex diverts manly eyes and ambitions, stalls and sours the development of devotion to one woman, and discourages men from helping fulfill female hopes and dreams.

The results are three: 1) Women lack the art of developing lasting relationships and cultivating the teamwork required to harmonize family life. 2) They blame men for it. 3) Unmarried men don’t give a s***; they have been taught that devotion to one woman isn’t expected, morality isn’t important, sex is paramount, thoughts of marriage are foolish, and divorce means financial strangulation.

You may view Make Marriage Work as contract template, covenant model, or negotiating checklist. With woman in the lead, couples can and should use it to spot premarital red flags, clarify marital disharmony, negotiate agreements, and melt pledges into devotion in courtship, and otherwise turn the man’s thinking toward marital compatibility rather than just earning his commitment by using sex. [cont.]

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