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George H. W. Bush Attends Lesbian “Wedding” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

George H. W. Bush Attends Lesbian “Wedding”

September 26, 2013




For the umpteenth time, conservatives, repeat after me: Never Trust A Bush!

It has only become more clear over the years that the Bush Clan is and has always been a cabal of social and political liberals masquerading as conservative to preserve its political base in the Republican Party – both because the Clan’s original power base was the Connecticut GOP and because, despite strenuous efforts to re-package themselves as Hispanic, the Bushes are just too WASPy and ‘whitebread’ to be national contenders in today’s diversity-obsessed and anti-white Democratic Party.

Now the Bush Clan paterfamilias has made it even more obvious, for those who still don’t get it, that Bushite liberalism does not begin with the generation of W and Jeb.

George H.W. Bush – U.S. Representative from Texas 1967-1971; Director of Central Intelligence 1976-1977; U.S. Vice President 1981-1989 (at best a half-hearted supporter of his boss); U.S. President 1989-1993 (when he un-did most of his worthier predecessor’s legacy); holder of several other federal and party patronage plums: a pillar of the U.S. Establishment if ever there were one – has just served as a witness at the “marriage” in Maine of two homosexual women of his acquaintance.

Some may argue that old Bush was simply doing friends a favor, but the Bush Clan is politically attuned right to its Saudi- and Mexican oligarch-financed fingertips.  The Bushes are more disciplined than the Kennedys; they do nothing by accident, or for no purpose.  The Bush Clan has just put its acceptance and approval of homosexual “marriage” on the record, cleverly having a Bush who will never again run for office send the signal.  And so now it is official: there is no difference of substance between the Republican nominally-conservative Bush Clan, on the one hand, and Barack Hussein Obama and the Clinton Combine, on the other, on any social issue.

Bush Clan women, H.W.’s First Lady Barbara and W’s First Lady Laura at the forefront, have never hid – their husbands’ pro forma pro-life utterances in office notwithstanding – that the Bushite default position on abortion is entire agreement with the nation-wide regime of unrestricted abortion-on-demand the U.S. Supreme Court forced on America in 1973 via Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton.  It’s no surprise that W and Laura’s daughter is so comfortable making common cause with Michelle Obama and Chelsea Clinton; their world-views are exactly the same.  Maybe the Jeb branch of the Clan, thanks to its embrace of Mexican Catholicism, is genuinely pro-life.  Maybe…  But, at the risk of repeating myself: never trust a Bush!

Once again, conservatives, with feeling: Never, Ever, Trust A Bush!  None.  Not One.  Man or woman, half-Mexican or all-white: it doesn’t matter.  There can be no fair flower from a poisoned bush.

If any Bush should again become a prominent candidate blessed by the Republican establishment, that should be all conservatives need to see to know it’s time to break definitively with the GOP and, difficult though it surely will be, form a third political party that actually will represent conservatives’ views.  No such party could include any Bush.

— Comments —

Buck writes:

TV news reporter says of George H.W. Bush that “he signed the marriage certificate as a witness. He has never officially stated his position on same-sex ‘marriage’, but his son … supported outlawing gay ‘marriage’ back in 2004.”

The elder “compassionate conservative” never had to state his official position. But, everything about him offers approval. He just got finished celebrating same-sex “marriage” with his very public approval. He was never forced to officially “evolve” as a matter of public policy as “we” have unofficially evolved as a society.

The younger “compassionate conservative,” made a “tough and principled” stand against same-sex marriage in 2004, by calling for an unlikely Constitutional amendment to define and protect “marriage as a union of a man and woman as husband and wife.” At the same time he announced his support for civil unions. Go figure. “However, in his post-presidency interviews, he refused to take a position on the issue of same-sex marriage.” That’s not conclusive. Bush regularly refuses to “weigh in on these issues” since he’s “off the stage.” I imagine that he would have “evolved” by now too. Ironically, he’s now in a position to take a principled stand. God forbid, they start cartooning him again. If he actually gave a damn, he’d do what he could.

It’s the same thing with the new PM of Australia, Tony Abbott, a rugged Bush type. He’s long stood against same-sex marriage, though he has been weakening in light of the lesbian debut of his own daughter who is pressing him for the right to “marry.” He’s a politician, and by my definition, he has no principles.

“The Australian Capital Territory government is set to legalize same-sex marriage by the end of the year and chief minister Katy Gallagher told Guardian Australia that she doesn’t expect the federal Coalition government to overturn the legislation.”

“The legislation is set to be an early test for the prime minister elect, Tony Abbott, who has consistently opposed same-sex marriage but has held out the prospect of a vote on the issue at some time in the future.”

There going to vote on it. The vote: saving civilization one ballot at a time.

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