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It Ain’t Profound Enough for Women « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

It Ain’t Profound Enough for Women

September 24, 2013


GOD did not realize when he created the world out of pure nothingness, when he dignified human nature above all else, when he entered into history to become an actual human being, when he offered a path to salvation and eternal bliss to both men and women, when he spoke in the person of Jesus Christ to men and women on the shores of the Galilee, when he miraculously cured women of sickness, when he himself suffered torture and murder, when he further elevated all of nature by entering into inanimate matter in the form of simple unleavened bread and offered this miracle of deepest and most tender affection for both men and women to enjoy and revere for all of time, or when he inspired female saints to mystical visions and heroic self-sacrifice, that he was not creating a “profound theology of the woman.” Fortunately, Pope Francis has assured us that the Novus Ordo Church can come up with something more profound than all this. In his recent interview, he stated: “We have to work harder to develop a profound theology of the woman.” He then suggests what is involved: power.

Virgin Mary_MASTER of the Bambino Vispo

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