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Obama Losing His Greatest Fans « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Obama Losing His Greatest Fans

September 4, 2013


THEREĀ are more than 800 comments after today’sĀ New York Times article about a potential military strike on Syria. Though they are notably devoid of the blistering, rabid hatred directed to George W. Bush in 2003, and a few comments blame everything on Bush, they are overwhelmingly negative. They include comments such as this:

This is being done for Obama to save face. Those who support this don’t understand what we are getting into. Obama is the most disliked President ever. He is a complete failure and to show his manhood he wants to do this. What a pathetic little man. Remember 9-11, thats [sic] who we are supporting, the legacy of Bid Laden [sic]. I’m ashamed to be an American. I can honestly say I am embarrassed every time Obama and Pelosi and McCain open their mouths. There is no justification for a strike.

— Comments —

Kevin M. writes:

The fact that our betters in the NYT readership are finally waking up to Obama’s incompetence and hypocrisy is heartening.

Just a week ago I was listening to a conservative talk radio station in Philadelphia. The host asked for BHO supporters to call in and defend this rush to war. It was absolutely galling to hear the liberals mimic G. W. Bush’s pro-war supporters!

At least some of these NYT readers seem to be ideologically consistent instead of doing the typical 180 degree pivot that lefties are renowned for.

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