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An Example of Kumbaya Architecture « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

An Example of Kumbaya Architecture

October 30, 2013


NO DISCUSSION of ugly architecture, however brief, is complete without a mention of “Catholic” buildings since Vatican II. Here is an example sent by a reader. The Spanish-Moorish style building below is the old St. Rita’s Church in Sierra Madre, California, which was torn down in 1968. The church was deemed unsafe in an earthquake zone and thus a much-loved Catholic building bit the dust. A simple stone chapel would have been better than what followed. It was replaced by the cold, in-your-face modernism of a new building (below) in 1970. All I can say on seeing a photo of the newer church is: Blindness has its advantages. This is just the kind of building one would expect to see when a false church takes over the divine institution established by Christ more than 2,000 years ago.





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