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Europe Continues To Be Enriched « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Europe Continues To Be Enriched

October 24, 2013


DANIEL S. writes:

Blogger Daniel Greenfield has provided us with the latest examples of the enrichment that Muslim immigration is providing to Europe. In Norway, Muslim immigrants raped a 12-year-old girl in a school yard and received a small fine and community service for their act. (So far we haven’t seen FEMEN or other Western feminists arrive at the scene to decry the very real rape culture perpetuated by Muslim immigrants and enabled by Scandinavian governments.) In Britain Somali Muslim immigrants recently smuggled in a young girl from their country to use for organ harvesting.

Mark Steyn, speaking of recent Muslim terrorist attacks in Kenya and Pakistan opined:

A combined weekend corpse count of 150 is, apparently, “acceptable”—or at any rate not sufficiently unacceptable to prompt any reconsideration of a British, Canadian, and European immigration policy that makes Islam the principal source of Western population growth.

Don’t expect the aforementioned horrors to change anything.

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