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Same-Sex “Marriage” Comes to New Jersey « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Same-Sex “Marriage” Comes to New Jersey

October 21, 2013


David Gibson,left, and Rich Kiamco, right, of Jersey City display their marriage license, which they obtained earlier today, during a rally on the lawn in front of Garden State Equality on Friday in Montclair, N.J. (Photo: Joe Epstein,AP)

David Gibson,left, and Rich Kiamco, right, of Jersey City display their marriage license. 
(Photo: Joe Epstein,AP)

FROM The New York Times:

Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey announced on Monday that his administration would drop its legal challenge to allowing gay marriage in the state, hours after same-sex couples started exchanging vows.

Mr. Christie’s decision to withdraw his appeal before the state’s Supreme Court, a reversal from his long-held position that the question of gay marriage should be decided by voters, effectively removes the last hurdle from making same-sex marriage legal in New Jersey.

— Comments —

Henry McCulloch writes:

Fresh from French-kissing Cory Booker in celebration of the very liberal Democrat’s Senate win, Christie surrenders preemptively on the sodomatrimony front as well. What happened to Christie’s previously settled conviction that so important a matter should be decided by voters rather than dictated by judges?

Joe A. writes:

Homosexuality is a Darwinian dead-end.

We shall have fewer Americans but better Americans.

Laura writes:

That’s not much consolation to the many children who will be adopted by these couples in the meantime.

Joe A. writes:

I don’t think there will be all that many, thank God. Were homosexuals of either sex interested in children, they would marry and procreate them personally. This is theatre, designed to dispirit us and cause us to quit the fight without even trying.

They are also quite wrong!

Laura writes:

Really? Many lesbians would like children. They may not adopt, but they will do it through artificial insemination. See the latest study suggesting how hampered children are who grow up in lesbian households. Not that we need studies to prove it.

It’s true they’re not going to be having big families and it’s true in the long run, homosexuality is a dead end. I don’t find that a very consoling thought given how many children in New Jersey alone will probably be raised in homosexual households.

Joe A. writes:

Can’t argue with that. One consigned to this legal abuse is one too many.

Ian writes:

It is interesting – though not surprising – that the sodomite and his catamite in the photo are an older man and a much younger man, respectively.

I wonder if many normal Americans realize that this is far from atypical in sodomitical relationships (e.g. Liberace). Despite the rhetoric of equality favored by sodomites and their allies, I doubt there is much ‘equality’ going on in these relationships as they actually exist in reality. If the photo were of an older man and a younger woman, many Americans would probably call the man a creep or assume that the woman was a gold-digger.

Laura writes:

That couple is especially creepy even for these creepy times.

I wonder how many men will “marry” sugar daddies.

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