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The Ultimate Endorsement of the Pope « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Ultimate Endorsement of the Pope

October 3, 2013


FROM The New York Times:

President Obama said in an interview on Wednesday that he had been “hugely impressed” with Pope Francis, “not because of any particular issue” but because he seemed to be “thinking about how to embrace people as opposed to push them away.”

“He seems somebody who lives out the teachings of Christ. Incredible humility, incredible sense of empathy to the least of these, to the poor,” the president said in an interview on CNBC. “He’s also somebody who’s, I think, first and foremost, thinking about how to embrace people as opposed to push them away. How to find what’s good in them as opposed to condemn them.”

We can assume the socialist pontiff is hugely impressed that the socialist president is hugely impressed.

— Comments —

Melinda Roberts writes:

I scanned the beginning of your post about the President’s endorsement of the Pope and the first thought that came into my mind was, “As if he would know?” (whether or not the Pope or anyone else, for that matter, is living out the teachings of Christ).

Jane S. writes:

Obama says “He’s also somebody who’s, I think, first and foremost, thinking about how to embrace people as opposed to push them away. How to find what’s good in them as opposed to condemn them.”

That is a sordid bit of casuistry from a man who for many years attended a church pastored by “God-damn-America” Jeremiah Wright.

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