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The Woman Who Never Became a Man, cont. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Woman Who Never Became a Man, cont.

October 3, 2013


ALEX writes:

While Nancy Verhelst’s plight was indeed horrible, she did do her share of damage to the remnants of normal society. Since she wanted to die, why didn’t she, say, jump from a roof? Instead, she made her very death a strike against normalcy, against decency. She made her own death a further step in cramming depravity down the normal people’s throats. Because of her, it has now been hammered into people’s heads that not only do they have a duty to pay for the freaks’ mutilation, but if a freak is not satisfied with the result, they have a duty to help the freak die and to pay for the freak’s death, and most of all, that this is all normal.

Note also how the press, including Drudge, framed this story in the headings and subheadings: a  “botched” sex-change operation caused Verhelst to choose death. In the actual reports, though, there is nothing to suggest that any part of her “treatment” was botched. People cannot be allowed to conclude that surgically making a woman into a make-believe man can bring anything but bliss to the former woman, so the press is intentionally misleading people into thinking that it was some preventable medical mistake that made life unbearable for Verhelst.

Another bit of news in this story is that euthanasia, which was supposed to be assisted suicide for the bed-ridden, is now a government-funded suicide service for those who physically are perfectly able to take the elevator to the top floor.

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