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All Saints Day « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

All Saints Day

November 1, 2013



TODAY, on All Saints Day, the Church commemorates the saints in heaven, all of them, those who are known to us and those who lived in obscurity. As we rejoice in them, the saints bow down from eternity and say, “Come, join us.”

In The Holy Souls: Vive Padre Pio, Fr. Alessio Parente, O.F.M. Cap. writes of a humorous comment Padre Pio, the venerated Italian priest, made about his own reputed saintliness:

Padre Pio certainly did maintain a childlike simplicity and did not try to conform with the world’s idea of what a saint should be. On one occasion some sugar-coated almonds (confetti) were being passed around the refectory. A little while later, Padre Pio, still with one in his mouth, was on his way to hear Confessions of the men in the old sacristy. When he reached the door, he prevented his confrérès from opening it, saying, “Wait! Let me finish this candy. Otherwise people will say: ‘What kind of saint is this? He even eats sweets!’ “


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