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An Image of Obamacare « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

An Image of Obamacare

November 12, 2013



AT Reclaiming Beauty, Kidist Paulos Asrat writes in an entry about Todd Park that the image that pops up the most frequently when googling Obamacare, or Affordable Care Act, is the one above. She writes:

I don’t understand the juxtaposition of the young Asian woman with the older one, which clearly shows a mother and a daughter. Why not the father as well, or a husband for the younger woman? Why two generations of Asian women? Still, this shows that Asians have become a strong participants in government-initiated programs. This deflates the myth of the financially secure, independent minded Asian, and exposes them as entitlement seekers.

Asian-Americans happen to be the highest-earning group in the U.S., out-earning whites, and they generally place enormous emphasis on family. A perfect fit for Republicans, no? No. Asians voted for Obama by 73-26 [in the 2012 elections]; they were more Democratic than Hispanics. [Source: Asian Voters Send a Message to Republicans]

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