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Chirlane McCray on the Future of New York « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Chirlane McCray on the Future of New York

November 6, 2013



CHIRLANE McCRAY and her husband, the newly-elected mayor, Bill de Blasio, are the perfect first couple for New York. He is white and she is black. That fact alone could not help but make their ratings soar. She’s a former lesbian and he’s from a broken home. Very good on both counts. He considers socialist Latin America his ideal society and she seethes with anger when describing her childhood in a largely white community. It’s all almost too perfect to be true. De Blasio beamed over his mixed-race family as he campaigned and, like Obama, appealed to envy of the rich in portraying New York as a “tale of two cities,” the oppressed and the oppressors. He won in a landslide yesterday.

McCray, who does not take her husband’s name, had this to say in a recent interview about the future of the city:

The city needs to become, in terms of opportunities, more like what it used to be. Now I know, people say, oh, the crime, the blah, blah. You know. That’s — we are never going to go back to those days. We don’t want to go back to those days. That’s not even an issue. What we want is for people to feel like they can raise their families here. That their kids can go to college. They can do better themselves. There is a route into the middle class. We want young people to feel like they can come here.

— Comments —

Casey writes:

It might be worth pointing out that McCray being a “former lesbian” is actually an imperfection on her part. After all, she must have been a fraud: homosexuality is immutable! How dare she make it appear as a lifestyle choice.

Laura writes:

If she was a white lesbian who had gone onto marry a white man, she probably would have been portrayed as a sell-out, someone repressed and messed up. But because she’s black and she married a white man, she gets tons of extra points and  her perfectly healthy rejection of lesbianism is translated as her being quasi-homosexual still.

A reader writes:

I am thrilled by the usage of “former lesbian” in describing the new mayor’s wife in New York City.

Leaving aside any well-deserved and sound judgment as to the mayor’s wife’s character and their marriage, the fact that the mainstream media will now begin using this term  “former lesbian”  gives me a a great hope in my personal life.

The thing is my daughter is engaged in a same-sex relationship, and I don’t think she’s gay, but merely “open to the experience” as young women often are.

My hope is that she too becomes a “former lesbian.” I would be so very happy if this happened.

Buck writes:

Let a modern liberals talk long enough, and they’ll reveal themselves. I never heard of Ms. McCray before this post. I read one of the linked articles: Once Alienated, and Now a Force in Her Husband’s Bid for Mayor.

It’s telling. The title of the article is unintentionally ironic. Here, we have a classic case of sexual harassment…gone right? And, the perp is a white male, the victim a triple minority, a black lesbian. This is all happening, mind you, in 1991, the year of Anita Hill and 1992 the “Year of the Woman.” The EEOC clearly defines sexual harassment. What Ms. McCray describes in this brief article is a classic case of “sexual harassment” by Mr. de Blasio. “Back off” means “stop, your actions are unwelcome,” doesn’t it? “Trying to steal an unwelcome kiss” is… unwelcome isn’t it?

What hypocrites. What went wrong? They married two years later.

I’m so glad that we have man’s law to safely and comfortably guide us through life, and liberal hypocrites to lead us “Forward.”

 Jane S. writes:

From the comments section of the above-referenced article:

Poppi Brooklyn NY

“Crime blah blah blah” Could there be a better quote on how out of touch with the principal role of NYC Government Deblasio and his wife are”? We are doomed.

Alex New York

I find it a bit hypocritical that Chirlane McCray criticizes gentrification while at the same time living in one of the most gentrified parts of the city–Park Slope. If gentrification is so bad, why don’t they move to some bad parts of the Bronx for some realness? How exactly is her husband going to make NYC ‘more like it used to be”? I hear a lot of this type of talk without any details on how his goals are going to be accomplished.

Mouse NYC

Does she have a job? No mention of that.

Perley J. Thibodeau Manhattan New York

I already know how she feels about everything having read her posted rants in the Daily News comment boxes that she signs; She mostly rails against tired old white men. Does she honestly think I’d vote for her husband who is one?

John O Cambridge

The Sadanistas are coming…the Sandanista are coming……..hold onto your wallet!

And my favorite:

resident native New York City

“I like to go to the subway and hear what people are thinking and feeling and what their concerns are.”

Which subway would that be? Here in New York, people are mostly looking to avoid making eye contact or are too busy fiddling with their smartphones. The whole comment rings false. So does much of the interview.

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