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Colorado Bill Defeated « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Colorado Bill Defeated

November 6, 2013


AMENDMENT 66, the Colorado education bill that was the darling of the liberal establishment and would have raised an additional billion dollars in taxes for all-day kindergarten and other programs, was defeated yesterday by almost two to one. See the Denver Post’s story here. This is significant given that out-of-state proponents of the bill, including Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg, and the teacher’s union spent millions of dollars promoting the measure, seriously outspending the opposition.

Speaking of education in Colorado, a bill was passed this summer that requires sex education to begin in kindergarten. It takes a lot of money to promote sexual decadence.

 — Comments —

Kimberly writes:

Well, I’m grateful that Amendment 66 was shot down! All day kindergarten! That’s ridiculous. Apparently they want to keep them there all day so that they have plenty of time to start in on destroying their innocence. I can’t imagine anyone trying to explain sex to my 5 year old son! I’d tackle them! He’s so little and innocent, and has absolutely no clue that any such thing exists, as it should be. I’m sure it would be great fun for some wicked  kindergarten teacher to watch his face as she put him in utter shock.
It was, in fact, a kindergarten teacher that sent me a nasty, long message about how worthless I was for being a housewife (“Anyone can push a baby out of their v——-“), which prompted me to look you up about five years ago. One brilliant Colorado “kindie” teacher! Marvelous!
Thank God I decided to home school before it was too late. I didn’t know being in Colorado was so dangerous! How many families will find out that this is happening after the fact, and then it will be too late!
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