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From a Reader in College « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

From a Reader in College

November 6, 2013


C.S. writes:

I would like to express my great gratitude for your site, The Thinking Housewife, and the educated commentary it provides. It is difficult as a college freshman to find a decent appreciation of the effects of the revolution on society. I applaud you for standing against both the revolutionaries on left and right, and most especially, for avoiding confusion with the so-called ‘Men’s Rights Movement,’ which is, by the rejection of duty, in forfeiture of manliness.

I am very pleased to have been sent to this blog by my father, and I am grateful both as a man and especially as a Catholic, for your making clear what would have taken much searching on my part with regards to the roles of men and women in society, and husband and wife in marriage. The only trouble that comes with knowing the truth is the threat of despairing that I should ever meet a woman who is truly a woman (and not ‘female’, as our sterile modern parlance says!) and who is willing to marry. This is the burden of these times it seems, when the world has been turned upside-down, and my generation refuses to hear about it!

I am happy to have discovered someplace where the right ordering of things is defended. My campus Catholic group is mostly beneath mentioning, with ‘Praise & Worship’ music afflicted on the Mass and the church, a beige postmodern bread box. By and large, the young women are just seeming to put a pious and somewhat girlish face on their own desires, and the men are mostly gutless. Perhaps I am too harsh.

Regardless, I wish to say that you do a great (if mostly unrealized) service with your writings, and I appreciate them, as well as the comments they inspire, especially from the late Lawrence Auster, Thomas Bertonneau, and the rest of your ever devoted Commentariat.

Laura writes:

Thank you.

The world is not so bad, is it? There are people like you in it.

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