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Hate Hoaxes « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Hate Hoaxes

November 30, 2013


LIFESITE news, reporting earlier this week on the story of a lesbian waitress who falsely claimed she received a hateful note instead of a tip, lists similar hoaxes and false allegations of hate crimes:

Last July Charlie Rogers, a lesbian and former college basketball player, carved a cross into her own chest with a knife in a simulated hate crime. She claimed three masked men broke into her home, bound her with plastic zip ties, carved a cross into her chest and anti-gay slurs into her body, spray painted slurs on her walls, then tried to set her house on fire. In April, she pleaded “no contest” when presented with evidence she staged the entire event. A judge sentenced her to a week in jail and two years of probation.

In August 2012, a homosexual in Montana, Joseph Baken, said three men beat him and called him anti-gay slurs as he was celebrating his 22nd birthday. But video surfaced of him doing a backflip and smacking his face on the pavement.

In 2012, Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) held a “solidarity rally” on behalf of 19-year-old Alexandra Pennell, a lesbian allegedly receiving hate notes. Officials later discovered she planted the notes herself.

In May, police charged a lesbian couple in Colorado with writing “Kill the Gay” on their own garage.

More recently, the Internet lit up with stories of a persecuted 18-year-old lesbian, whose only crime was to fall in love with a 16-year-old girl. As it turned out, Kaitlyn Hunt’s victim was 14, and Hunt cyber-bullied her by sending her 20,000 messages after being ordered to have no further contact.

The most famous gay “hate crime,” the murder of Matthew Shepard by “homophobes,” has also been exposed as a lie.

A substantial number of hate crimes hoaxes take place each year, whether on sexual or racial grounds.

— Comments —-

Buck writes:

These hoax stories reveal all that any thinking person needs to know about the malignant fraud that is modern liberalism. These hoaxes should be teaching moments for the rest, but they are not. Most of us are engaged in society for our families and for our individual economic well-being. We are all subjected to overwhelming assaults on our morality, on our principles and on the shared truths that are increasingly, dictatorially denied, while having our formerly legitimate and formerly respected right to refuse, to object and to criticized what offends us rejected and even criminalized as a formally prohibited intolerance. This current oppression is anti-human, not the natural human revulsion to perversion or to any of the host of modern denials of a permanent and immutable natural order. The psychological and physical anomalies that deserve tolerance and empathy, and deserve to be free from institutionalized cruelty, have been elevated above the natural order and have been given superior protections by a society that now worships itself.

These hoaxers, like Dayna Morales, must be angry, bewildered and desperate; driven by the unavoidable truth of the lie that they are living. They hate and deny the good and the natural order, because it must seem to them, that that natural order has been cruelly denied to them. They know no way out, beyond a total submission to the very thing that they deny and hate; or to anything that transcends their nihilistic existence. They hate and reject the very thing that they need most: the truth.

Daniel writes:

Did you see the follow up to the lesbo-hate-hoax?

She was actually dishonorable discharged from the Marines! Previously lied about having brain cancer, rape, etc. This fits in with my personal experience with lesbians, who I have always found to be compulsive liars.

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