Obamacare Has Saved “Millions”
November 23, 2013
SAM writes:
Black hip-hop entrepreneur Russell Simmons claims that Obamacare has “already saved the lives of millions.” This is the kind of magical thinking that abounds among black public figures. Obama can do anything and he is a saint, and if it appears that he can’t, it is because sinister occult forces of racism are stopping him from doing it. This message is constantly parroted by black figureheads like Spike Lee and Oprah Winfrey and Michael Eric Dyson, and is believed by a significant plurality of the black population. And yet white Americans continue to wonder why black America is implacably hostile to the culture of the majority.
Nothing will change until whites wake up to the fact that blacks, in the aggregate, have almost no capacity to think objectively or rationally on matters of political import. Their reasoning is almost driven by non-rational ethnic resentments and wild displays of magical thinking and outrageous conspiracy mongering. A significant number of them believe that AIDS was created by whites to kill blacks, that the CIA distributed crack-cocaine in black neighborhoods, that western science was “really” developed by ancient Egyptians (who they falsely believe were Negroes), and that Obama is all but infallible. These are not merely false beliefs; these are delusional and dangerous mind-viruses. The world inhabited by the typical black is an ethnocentric hallucination, just as the world of the typical secular intellectual is an ideological hallucination. America 2.0 is run by vast swaths of society who are in the grip of mutually reinforcing delusions.